Behind the Test Tube: Q&A
Erica Craddock—Graduate Student, Knowles Lab
Where is home/where did you grow up?
St. Paul, Minnesota.
Why did you choose chemistry as a career?
I grew up in a family full of geologists, so we frequently hiked and vocabulary such as “garnet” and “petrology” were often thrown around in conversation. When I was in high school, I was out hiking with my family in the Mohave Desert, and I had just learned about naming chemical compounds in chemistry class. It all clicked for me when I learned the mineral gypsum is also known as calcium sulfate because I could use chemistry to describe the natural world right in front of me. And I haven’t stopped since!
What do you like to do when not in the department?
Ask me about…
Books, rocks, traveling and my cat. I love dogs too!
The goal of this initiative is to highlight the diversity of backgrounds and perspectives in the Department of Chemistry and help our community develop stronger connections and synergies. You can think of these spotlights as the beginning of a conversation that we very much hope you will continue in the corridors of Hutch and beyond.
If you wish to contribute to this initiative, please complete our questionnaire.