BS in Biological Sciences: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (BEB) Track

We require students to maintain a 2.0 grade point average (GPA) in the major, excluding allied field courses. See the advising page for information on how to declare your major, who your program advisor is, double majors, double degrees, petitioning for exceptions and more.

To begin the major declaration process for BS in Biological Sciences: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Track, please use this link to access our departmental form.

Major Requirements

Students planning to major in the biological sciences should take BIOL 110L and 111L (or 112L and 113L), and CHEM 131-132 in their first year, and BIOL 198 or 190 and CHEM 203/207 in the fall of their second year.

Introductory Courses (Three Courses)

Select one of the following:

  • BIOL 110L: Principles of Biology I
  • BIOL 112L: Perspectives in Biology I (pre-requires AP biology exam score of 4 or 5)

Select one of the following:

  • BIOL 111L: Principles of Biology II
  • BIOL 113L: Perspectives in Biology I (pre-requires AP biology exam score of 4 or 5)
  • BIOL 115: Introduction to Organismal Evolutionary Biology (not offered after spring 2017; may use if already taken)

Select one of the following:

  • BIOL 190: The Human Genome (highly recommended)
  • BIOL 198: Principles of Genetics

Laboratory Experience (Three Courses)

Students are required to take all of the following courses:

  • BIOL 111P/117P: Principles of Biology II Lab (Not offered after spring 2018; must use if already taken)
  • BIOL 198P: Principles of Genetics Lab
  • BIOL 225: Laboratory in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Advanced Courses: (Four of Five Courses)

Note: majors may take either three advanced electives and one diversification elective, or two advanced electives and two diversification electives.

Both of the following:

  • BIOL 205: Evolution
  • BIOL 263: Ecology

Plus two or three* advanced electives from the following list (*depending on whether you will take two or one diversification electives):

  • BIOL 219L: Genomics of Quantitative Traits
  • BIOL 253L: Computational Biology
  • BIOL 255: Behavioral Endocrinology (no longer offered)
  • BIOL 257L: Applied Genomics
  • BIOL 259L: Applied Population Biology
  • BIOL 260: Animal Behavior
  • BIOL 267: Human Evolutionary Genetics (Will not be offered spring 2026)
  • EESC 201: Evolution of the Earth
  • EESC 220: Geobiology (pending advisor approval)

Diversification Elective (One of Two Courses)

Select one or two courses from the BEB diversification electives list. This course must be approved by the track coordinator and should be outside of the BEB major.

Note: BIOL 217L: Principles of Human Anatomy with Lab and BIOL/BME 258: Human Anatomy may not be used to satisfy the diversification requirement.

Ancillary Requirements (Nine Courses with Indicated Labs)

Both of the following general chemistry courses:

  • CHEM 131: Chemical Concepts I with Lab
  • CHEM 132: Chemical Concepts II with Lab

One of the following organic chemistry I courses:

  • CHEM 203/207: Organic Chemistry I with Lab
  • CHEM 171/173: First Year Organic Chemistry I with Lab

Note: CHEM 171 and its associated lab, CHEM 173, will also fulfill the organic chemistry requirement. Students completing both CHEM 171 and 172 with associated labs do not need to take CHEM 132.

One of the following physics I courses:

  • PHYS 113: General Physics I with Lab
  • PHYS 121: Mechanics with Lab
  • PHYS 141: Mechanics (Honors) with Lab

One of the following calculus I courses:

  • MATH 141: Calculus I
  • MATH 161: Calculus IA
  • MATH 171Q: Honors Calculus I

One of the following calculus II courses:

  • MATH 142: Calculus II
  • MATH 162: Calculus IIA
  • MATH 172Q: Honors Calculus II

One of the following statistics course:

  • BIOL 214: Biostatistics
  • STAT 190: Introduction to Statistical Methodology (formerly STAT 213)

Note: STAT 180: Introduction to Applied Statistical Methodology (formerly STAT 212) is not acceptable, unless one of STAT 201, 216, or 277 is also taken. 

Plus two of the following ancillary electives:

  • Math: MATH 150, 164, 165, or 218 (the latter, "Introduction to Mathematical Models in Life Science," is particularly appropriate for the BEB track)
  • Computer Programming: BIOL 208, CSC 161, 170, 171, ECE 114, or other computer programming course with advisor approval
  • Organic Chemistry: CHEM 204 with associated lab, CHEM 208, or CHEM 172 with CHEM 210
  • Physics: PHY 114, 122, or 142
  • Statistics: STAT 201, 216, or 277

Upper-Level Writing (ULW) Requirements (2 Courses)

BIOL 225W: Laboratory in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

And select one from the following:

  • BIOL 205W: Evolutionary Writing
  • BIOL 272W: Communicating Your Professional Identity
  • BIOL 273W: Writing for Grants, Fellowships, and Special Opportunities
  • BIOL 274W: What Do You Mean I Can't Do That? Learning to Write Like an "Insider" in Your Discipline(s)
  • BIOL 276W: Technology, Healthcare and "Being Mortal"
  • BIOL 396W: Research Paper Writing in Biology

*BIOL 270W may be used if already taken

Diversification Electives List

Check the course schedules/descriptions available via the Registrar's Office for prerequisites and official course descriptions.

Can’t find what you are looking for? Contact your major advisor for consultation on course selections and approval of other biological sciences courses not listed.

  • BIOL 202: Molecular Biology
  • BIOL 204: Principles of Human Physiology
  • BIOL 220: Advanced Cell Biology
  • BIOL 222: Biology of Aging
  • BIOL 226: Developmental Biology
  • BIOL 228A&B: iGEM I&II International Genetically Engineered Machines Competition Course Series
  • IND 408: Advanced Biochemistry
  • MBI 220: Introduction to Microbiology
  • MBI 221W: Microbiology Laboratory
  • MBI 414: Pathogenesis of Microorganisms
  • MBI 473: Immunology
  • NSCI 201: Basic Neurobiology
  • NSCI 241: Neurons, Circuits, and Systems
  • NSCI 243: Neurochemical Foundations of Behavior
  • NSCI 245: Sensory and Motor Neuroscience
  • NSCI 251: Neurobiology of Sleep
  • BIOL 210: Molecular Cell Biology
  • BIOL 228A&B: iGEM I&II International Genetically Engineered Machines Competition Course Series
  • BIOL 243: Eukaryotic Gene Regulation
  • BIOL 250L: Introduction to Biochemistry or BIOL 252 Principles of Biochemistry
  • BIOL 268: Lab in Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
  • BIOL 278: Biochemical Mechanisms of Cellular Processes
  • BCH 308: Biochemical and Molecular Biology Techniques
  • BCH 412: Advanced Topics in Biological Macromolecules
  • BME 468: Introduction to Structure and Analysis of Biomolecules
  • CHEM/BIOL 275: Chemistry and Biochemistry of Poisons
  • IND 443: Eukaryotic Gene Regulation
  • IND 447: Signal Transduction
  • MBI 404: Intro to Emerging Pathogens
  • MBI 421: Microbial Physiology and Genetics
  • MBI 456: General Virology
  • NSCI 203: Lab in Neurobiology
  • NSCI 245: Sensory and Motor Neuroscience
  • NSCI 246: Biology of Mental Disorders
  • NSCI 249: Developmental Neurobiology
  • NSCI 250: Acquired Brain Disorders
  • NSCI 252: Functional Neuroanatomy
  • NSCI 415: Neuroscience of Neuroprosthetics