BIOL 098-1
Ryan Bickel
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Required lab component for BIOL 110L or BIOL 112L. For Summer Offering: The BIOL 110L lecture and BIOL 098 lab meet online, asynchronously.
- Location
- ( 7:00PM - 7:00PM)
BIOL 110L-1
Ryan Bickel
7:00PM - 7:00PM
This course is offered as a fully online, asynchronous course. The first semester in a course sequence for all biology majors. The course will provide an introduction to biochemistry, cell biology, molecular biology, and animal physiology. Emphasis will be placed on quantitative learning and data analysis. For Summer offering: Course is online and is completed asynchronously. The lectures are recorded. There are weekly times for questions and discussions about the lecture material. This offering of 110 includes the introductory lab. The lab is a required component for the course, and will also be completely asynchronously.
- Location
- ( 7:00PM - 7:00PM)
BIOL 110L-2
Ryan Bickel
7:00PM - 7:00PM
This course is offered as a fully online, asynchronous course. The first semester in a course sequence for all biology majors. The course will provide an introduction to biochemistry, cell biology, molecular biology, and animal physiology. Emphasis will be placed on quantitative learning and data analysis. For Summer offering: Course is online and is completed asynchronously. The lectures are recorded. There are weekly times for questions and discussions about the lecture material. This offering of 110 includes the introductory lab. The lab is a required component for the course, and will also be completely asynchronously.
- Location
- ( 7:00PM - 7:00PM)
BIOL 111-01
Emery Longan
7:00PM - 7:00PM
The second semester of the introductory sequence designed for majors in biology. Evolution Biodiversity, Physiology, Ecology and Conservation biology.
- Location
- ( 7:00PM - 7:00PM)
BIOL 198-1
Alexis Stein
7:00PM - 7:00PM
The course covers the basics of Mendelian and molecular genetics with a focus on genetic approaches to scientific questions and the molecular biology of the Central Dogma. Recommended for most Biology majors. The optional companion lab for this course is BIO 198P. A student cannot receive credit for both BIOL 190 and BIOL 198. For Summer term, the course will be online, asynchronous, with weekly meeting times for discussions about the course material.
- Location
- ( 7:00PM - 7:00PM)
BIOL 204-01
Jonathan Holz
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Normal function with an emphasis on humans. Topics include homeostatic regulation, various systems (endocrine, nervous, muscular, cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, digestive, and metabolic), and integration of function of those systems. Prerequisites: Two semesters of introductory biology e.g. BIO 110 or BIO 112 and BIO 111 or BIO 113, or permission of the instructor.
- Location
- ( 7:00PM - 7:00PM)
BIOL 204-02
Jonathan Holz
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Normal function with an emphasis on humans. Topics include homeostatic regulation, various systems (endocrine, nervous, muscular, cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, digestive, and metabolic), and integration of function of those systems. Prerequisites: Two semesters of introductory biology e.g. BIO 110 or BIO 112 and BIO 111 or BIO 113, or permission of the instructor.
- Location
- ( 7:00PM - 7:00PM)