Biology Course Prerequisites

BCH 308Biochemistry LaboratoryPast or Concurrent enrollment in BIOL 250
BCH 412Advanced Topics in Biological MacromoleculesIND 408
BIOL 101Genes, Germs, and Genomics: An Introduction to Modern BiologyNone
BIOL 102Natural HistoryNone listed
BIOL 104KEcosystem Conservation and Human SocietyNone
BIOL 109Darwin and DarwinismNone listed
BIOL 110Principles of Biology ICompletion or concurrent enrollment in CHEM 131 or equivalent
BIOL 111Principles of Biology IINone
BIOL 112Perspectives in Biology IStudents with a score of 4 or 5 on the AP Biology test, or an IB score of 7. Completion or concurrent enrollment in CHEM 131 or equivalent
BIOL 113Perspectives in Biology IIBIOL 112 or AP Biology score of 4 or 5 or IB score of 7
BIOL 117PIntroductory Biology LaboratoryPast or concurrent enrollment in BIOL 111 or BIOL 113 or concurrent enrollment in BIOL 115
BIOL 190Genetics and the Human GenomeBIOL 110/112 and BIOL 111/113, completion or concurrent enrollment in CHEM 203
BIOL 198Principles of GeneticsBIOL 110 or BIOL 112 and completion of CHEM 131 and CHEM 132
BIOL 198PPrinciples of Genetics LabConcurrent with BIOL 190/198 or after completion of BIOL 190/198
BIOL 202Molecular BiologyBIOL 198 or BIOL 190 and BIOL 250
BIOL 204Mammalian PhysiologyBIOL 110 or 112 and BIOL 111 or 113, or permission of instructor
BIOL 205EvolutionBIOL 190 or BIOL 198; MATH 141 or MATH 161
BIOL 206Eukaryotic GenomesCompletion of BIOL 198 or BIOL 190 is required; BIOL 202 or BIOL 210 are recommended
BIOL 208Intro to Programming for BiologistsPast or concurrent enrollment in BIOL 190 of BIOL 198, or instructor's permission
BIOL 210Molecular Cell BiologyBIOL 110 or 112 and BIOL 111 or 113. BIOL 198 or BIOL 190 and BIOL 250 are strongly suggested
BIOL 214BiostatisticsMATH 141, MATH 161 or MATH 171
BIOL 217Mammalian AnatomyBIOL 110 or 112 and BIOL 111 or 113, or permission of instructor
BIOL 220Advanced Cell BiologyBIOL 198 or BIOL 190, BIOL 210, BIOL 250
BIOL 222Biology of AgingBIOL 198 or BIOL 190 required, BIOL 202 recommended
BIOL 225Laboratory in Ecology and Evolutionary BiologyCompletion of BIOL 263. BIOL 205 and BIOL 214 strongly recommended. Concurrent enrollment in BIOL 225W required.
BIOL 225WEcology and Evolutionary Biology Lab WritingConcurrent enrollment in BIOL 225 required
BIOL 226Developmental BiologyBIOL 198 or BIOL 190 or permission of the instructor
BIOL 243Eukaryotic Gene RegulationBIOL 198, Genetics, BIOL 250/250H, Biochemistry; good knowledge of Molecular Biology. Cell Biology and/or Developmental Biology recommended.
BIOL 250Introduction to BiochemistryBIOL 110 or BIOL 112 and CHEM 203

Biological Science Majors: Prior or Concurrent enrollment in BIOL 190/198 and CHEM 204 are strongly recommended.

Post-baccalaureate Pre-health students: BIOL 190/198 are not required.
BIOL 252Principles of BiochemistryBIOL 190/198, CHEM 204
BIOL 253Computational BiologyBIOL 111 or BIOL 113 and BIOL 198 or BIOL 190
BIOL 253PComputational Biology LabPast/concurrent enrollment in BIOL 253
BIOL 256

Darwin and Religion
(cross-listed as PHIL 256)

One previous course in philosophy, religion, or a natural science. Only one (PHIL/BIOL/RELC 256 or BIOL 109) can be taken for credit
BIOL 257Applied GenomicsBIOL 190 or BIOL 198
BIOL 258Human Anatomy
(cross-listed as BME 258)
BIOL 110 or equivalent
BIOL 259LApplied Population Bio W/LabBIO 214/BIO 218P/STT 276 AND BIO 111/BIO 113. BIO 205/BIO 263 are recommended but not required.
BIOL 259WApplied Population Bio WritingBIO 214/BIO 218P/STT 276 AND BIO 111/BIO 113. BIO 205/BIO 263 are recommended but not required.
BIOL 260Animal BehaviorBIOL 111 or 113
BIOL 261WGenetic Research ANone listed
BIOL 262WGenetic Research BNone listed
BIOL 263EcologyBIOL 111 or 113 and MATH 142 or MATH 161
BIOL 265Molecular EvolutionBIOL 111 or 113 and BIOL 198 or BIOL 190
BIOL 268Laboratory in Molecular, Cell and Developmental BiologyCompletion of biology and chemistry core requirements, as well as BIOL 198 or BIOL 190 and BIOL 250 required
BIOL 270WWriting in Ecology and EvolutionIntended primarily for junior and senior BEB majors; open to other Biology majors with instructor permission. At a minimum, students must have completed at least one upper-level BEB track lecture course, and be concurrently enrolled in at least one more.
BIOL 272WDeveloping a Professional Biology Writing PortfolioCompletion of the Primary Writing Requirement
BIOL 275WWriting Biological ReviewsCompletion of the Primary Writing Requirement
BIOL 420Advanced Cell BiologyIntroductory courses in genetics and cell biology are recommended
BIOL 422Biology of AgingGenetics required; Molecular Biology recommended
BIOL 443Eukaryotic Gene RegulationBIOL 198, Genetics, BIOL 250/250H, Biochemistry; good knowledge of Molecular Biology. Cell Biology and/or Developmental Biology recommended.
BIOL 465Molecular EvolutionIntroductory courses in biology and genetics
BIOL 468Laboratory in Molecular, Cell and Developmental BiologyIntroductory courses in molecular biology
BIOL 47xAdvanced Evolutionary Genetics TopicsGraduate Course. Open to undergraduates only with permission of the instructor
BIOL 516Cell/Dev/Mol Biology SeminarNone listed
BIOL 580Journal Club in Ecology and EvolutionBIOL 205
BIOL 584Seminar in EvolutionNot open to first-year students and sophomores
IND 408BiochemistryA one-semester introductory course in biochemistry, or equivalent
IND 409Cell BiologySome previous exposure to Cell Biology
IND 410Molecular Biology and GeneticsStudents need to have already taken undergraduate level Biochemistry and/or Molecular Biology courses
IND 443Eukaryotic Gene RegulationAn introductory course in genetics and either an introductory: course in biochemistry or molecular biology
IND 447Signal TransductionNone listed
MBI 414Mechanisms of Microbial PathogenesisMBI 220/221
MBI 421Microbial GeneticsMBI 220 (or similar course) or BIOL 198 (or similar course)
MBI 431Microbial PhysiologyNone listed
MBI 456General VirologyBasic Biochemistry or Molecular Biology
MBI 473ImmunologyBCH 250 and BIOL 198 or equivalent. BIOL 202 is also recommended
NSCI 201/PBasic Neurobiology with LabBIOL 110/112 AND BIOL 111/113. Concurrent enrollment in BCSC 240 (NSCI 201), or permission of the instructor
NSCI 203Lab in NeurobiologySTAT 212 and BCSC 240/NSCI 201 with lab
NSCI 243Neurochemical Foundations of BehaviorBCSC 240 (NSCI 201); BIOL 250 recommended
NSCI 245Sensory and Motor NeuroscienceBCSC 240 (NSCI 201)
NSCI 246Biology of Mental DisordersBCSC 110 AND BIOL 110 or BCSC 240 (NSCI 201)
NSCI 249Developmental NeurobiologyBCSC 240 (NSCI 201)
NSCI 301Senior Seminar in NeuroscienceSenior Neuroscience majors only