Major Requirements
Ten courses are required for a BA in anthropology, of which at least eight must be at the 200-level or higher. A research project and several additional courses are required for students interested in completing an BA with Honors in anthropology.
For students transferring from another institution, the cap is 5 courses (equivalent to 20 credit hours). Please contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies for approval.
Questions? Contact your department advisor or the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
Print and complete the Planning Worksheet: anthropology-major-minor-planning-worksheet.pdf
BA Requirements
ANTH 101: Being Human: Cultural Anthropology*
ANTH 200: Anthropological Research and Methods**
ANTH 204: Reading Ethnography
One Theory course: ANTH 201-202, 205-210
Five ANTH electives - four of which must be 200-level or above.
One senior requirement course:
- 300 level Advanced Topics
- ANTH 395H: Honors Research in Anthropology
*ANTH 101 is normally taken before the spring semester of the sophomore year
**ANTH 200 is normally taken in the sophomore year (ANTH 101 is a prerequisite of this course)
Achievement of a grade point average for the courses required of concentrators, not including courses in the allied field(s), as follows:
- High Distinction: 3.9