"Auburn Correctional Facility has been open at the same spot in Auburn, New York, since 1817...
Auburn was the first prison in the world to house inmates in individual cells."
"The Auburn System was based on complete silences, strictly enforced with the threat of the whip. Prisoners were forbidden to commnicate with each other in any way. Such a system, which violated most basic human nature, could not be maintained without extreme physical cruelty."
"On August 6, 1890, Auburn was the first prison in the world to execute an inmate in the electric chair."
I met a woman, Maria, whose husband has been in prison for twenty-five years. She takes her children to visit sometimes, and they sit out in the yard. Sometimes squirrels and birds stop by, then leave.
When she talks on the phone with him, sometimes they'll both look up at the sky. Same moon, apart. Same sky, together.
She asked me if I've ever been inside a prison. I haven't.