Professional Performances
Since 2015, the University of Rochester Institute for Performing Arts (IPA) has provided students with opportunities to attend professional performances each year for free or at a significantly discounted rate.
Through our partnerships with a variety of local and regional organizations, we've taken students to experience performances at venues including:
- Rochester Fringe Festival (across multiple locations in Rochester)
- Geva Theatre Center
- Rochester Broadway Theatre League (RBTL)
- Nazareth University
- Eastman School of Music
- College at Brockport
- Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra (RPO)
- Rochester City Ballet (RCB)
Additionally, we have supported special off-site trips, including visits to New York City for professional performances and to the Shaw Festival at Niagara-on-the-Lake.
IPA Nights
The Institute for the Performing Arts (IPA) also sponsors on-campus performances and hosts receptions where artists, students, and audiences can connect and engage.