PHLT 101-1
Amina Alio
TR 9:40AM - 10:55AM
Discussion of history and definitions of public health and emerging themes: Public Health Disparities (health and wealth; social justice); Issues in Public Health (lead poisoning; tobacco; obesity; emergency; clean water/air; injury; health systems/reform); and Global Health Issues (globalization and development; maternal and child health).
- Location
- Morey Room 321 (TR 9:40AM - 10:55AM)
PHLT 103-1
Zahira Quinones
TR 12:30PM - 1:45PM
Fundamental concepts underlying health-related information and health policy. Basic methodological principles used to describe disease occurrence in populations and identify causes of disease.
- Location
- Morey Room 321 (TR 12:30PM - 1:45PM)
PHLT 180-1
Denise Yarbrough
TR 3:25PM - 4:40PM
This course examines the intersection of religion/spirituality and public health, locally, globally and nationally. Extensive evidence-based research has shown that religion and spirituality have a significant impact on the health of individuals. More recently, researchers have found that religion/spirituality is a social determinant of public health, making it a factor that public health practitioners should consider when approaching public health challenges such as responses to pandemics, gun violence, women’s reproductive health, or entrenched political conflicts. We survey the research establishing the connection between religion and health/mental health and spend time analyzing a variety of case studies illustrating how they have intersected in real world scenarios. This is a community engaged course. Students will be assigned to a local community partner to help with projects at that organization throughout the semester. This course is part of the Religion and Society Cluster, and the Medicine in Context (Public Health) cluster. It also counts as an elective for the health, behavior, and society (HBS) program.
- Location
- Interfaith Chapel Room 202 (TR 3:25PM - 4:40PM)
PHLT 201W-1
David Rich
TR 3:25PM - 4:40PM
This course covers the basic principles used to evaluate the potential human health risk of exposure to environmental contaminants in air, water, and food. Pre-requisites: BIOL 110/112; CHEM 131; PHLT 103 or permission of instructor.
- Location
- Morey Room 525 (TR 3:25PM - 4:40PM)
PHLT 215W-1
Nancy Chin
TR 11:05AM - 12:20PM
Using a critical lens, this course examines how forms of social organization create global health for some groups and poor health for other groups. Pre-requisites: PHLT 101 or ANTH 101.
- Location
- Dewey Room 2110D (TR 11:05AM - 12:20PM)
PHLT 230-1
Molly McNulty
MW 2:00PM - 3:15PM
The course introduces the legal and social justice frameworks for urgent public health issues, such as vaccinations, tobacco regulation and gun control. Pre-requisites: PHLT 116 or PHLT 236 or previous policy or public health coursework; juniors & seniors only.
- Location
- Lattimore Room 210 (MW 2:00PM - 3:15PM)
PHLT 265W-1
Nancy Chin
MW 10:25AM - 11:40AM
This course uses social theories to frame current issues in global health. Readings include critiques of development and ethnographic methods. Pre-requisite: PHLT 101 or ANTH 101.
- Location
- Meliora Room 205 (MW 10:25AM - 11:40AM)
PHLT 300W-1
Richard Dees
F 12:00PM - 2:40PM
Intended as a capstone experience, this course provides a setting in which students bring together what they have learned in the major and hone their skills by exploring in-depth two or three central issues in bioethics of particular interest to the participants.
- Location
- Lattimore Room 531 (F 12:00PM - 2:40PM)
PHLT 389-1
Richard Dees
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Students accepted in the Public Health Research Honors program must successfully complete a total of 3 credit hours of Public Health Honors Seminar (PHLT 389) over and above the credit hours required for the public health major. Students in the PHLT Research Honors program will complete: 1 credit hour in PHLT 389 for the junior year (preferably in spring of junior year), 1 credit hour of PHLT 389 fall semester of the senior year, and 1 credit hour for PHLT 389 the spring semester of senior year. PHLT 389 is in addition to PHLT 393.
- Location
- ( 7:00PM - 7:00PM)
PHLT 390-12
Zahira Quinones
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Blank Description
- Location
- ( 7:00PM - 7:00PM)
PHLT 390-3
Ann Marie White
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Blank Description
- Location
- ( 7:00PM - 7:00PM)
PHLT 390-4
Amina Alio
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Blank Description
- Location
- ( 7:00PM - 7:00PM)
PHLT 390-7
Nancy Chin
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Blank Description
- Location
- ( 7:00PM - 7:00PM)
PHLT 390-8
Molly McNulty
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Blank Description
- Location
- ( 7:00PM - 7:00PM)
PHLT 390-9
Nancy Chin
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Blank Description
- Location
- ( 7:00PM - 7:00PM)
PHLT 393-10
Nancy Chin
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Blank Description
- Location
- ( 7:00PM - 7:00PM)
PHLT 393-2
Richard Dees
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Blank Description
- Location
- ( 7:00PM - 7:00PM)
PHLT 393-5
Edwin VanWijngaarden
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Blank Description
- Location
- ( 7:00PM - 7:00PM)
PHLT 394C-1
7:00PM - 7:00PM
This opportunity is offered in conjunction with The Washington Center. For more information about the program and the application process, please visit the Greene Center.
- Location
- ( 7:00PM - 7:00PM)
PHLT 394E-1
Nancy Wood
TR 12:30PM - 1:45PM
This course is designed to expose students who are interested in careers in health and/or research to executing clinical research in the emergency department setting. Students will have hands-on experience in the ED screening, enrolling, and collecting research data, they will learn to think critically about research protocols, successful study execution, and ethical considerations about human subjects, and will develop competencies that support successful transition to post-graduate education or job opportunities. The internship includes short lectures followed by group discussion, guest speakers from various areas of research linked to reading assignments, followed by interactive discussion, opportunities to interact with each other and share experiences in an online forum, 1:1 mentoring in the Emergency Department with an experienced enroller, and actively enrolling subjects into research protocols in the Emergency Department. This course will be offered at the University of Rochester Medical Center (URMC) campus. This course requires an application.
- Location
- (TR 12:30PM - 1:45PM)
PHLT 395-01
Nancy Wood
7:00PM - 7:00PM
No description
- Location
- ( 7:00PM - 7:00PM)
PHLT 397W-1
Ann Marie White
W 3:25PM - 4:40PM
This is a mentored field experience applying principles of community engaged practice in real world settings. Students work 8 hours/week with a community agency and attend a weekly 75-mintue on-campus seminar for discussion. THIS COURSE REQUIRES A SPECIAL APPLICATION. Application is available:
Course open to: juniors, seniors, Take Five, and e5 students, majoring in one of the five public health-related majors. Students must have completed: PHLT 101 and PHLT 103.
- Location
- Lechase Room 184 (W 3:25PM - 4:40PM)
PHLT 399-1
7:00PM - 7:00PM
This opportunity is offered in conjunction with The Washington Center. For more information about the program and the application process, please visit the Greene Center.
- Location
- ( 7:00PM - 7:00PM)