Person's Photo

Chuang Ren

Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Professor of Physics

PhD in Physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1998

Office Location
214 Hopeman
(585) 275-2048
(585) 256-2509

Research Overview

Professor Ren's research interest is generally in the area of theoretical and computational plasma physics. In particular, he works to apply plasma physics to a wide range of applications including astrophysics, inertial confinement fusion (ICF), plasma-based accelerators, and new radiation sources. Since these applications usually involve a very high energy density driver, his research also falls under the so-called high energy density physics (HEDP) umbrella. A key characteristic of his research in this complex and highly nonlinear area of physics is the interplay between theoretical analysis and large-scale Paricle-in-Cell (PIC) simulations. Currently he is actively seeking students to work in this exciting new field.

Research Interests

  • theoretical plasma physics

Selected Publications

  • Mutual Attraction of Laser Beams in Plasmas: Braided Light
    C. Ren, R. G. Hemker, R.A. Fonseca, B. J. Duda, and W. B. Mori
    Phys. Rev. Lett.85, 2124 (2000)
  • Compressing and focusing a short laser pulse by a thin plasma lens
    C. Ren, B. J. Duda, R. G. Hemker, W. B. Mori, T. Katsouleas, T. M. Antonsen, Jr., and P. Mora
    Phys. Rev. E63, 026411 (2001)
  • Proton Shock Acceleration in Laser-Plasma Interactions
    L. O. Silva, M. Marti, J. R. Davies, R. A. Fonseca, C. Ren, F. S. Tsung, and W. B. Mori
    Phys. Rev. Lett.92, 015002 (2004)
  • Nonlinear and three-dimensional theory for cross-magnetic field propagation of short-pulse lasers in underdense plasmas
    C. Ren and W. B. Mori
    Phys. Plasmas11, 1978 (2004)
  • Global Simulation for Laser-Driven MeV Electrons in Fast Ignition
    C. Ren, M. Tzoufras, F. S. Tsung, W. B. Mori, S. Amorini, R. A. Fonseca, L. O. Silva, J. C. Adam, and A. Heron
    Phys. Rev. Lett.93, 185003 (2004)