John Howell

John C. Howell

Professor of Physics (Research)

PhD in Physics, Pennsylvania State University, 2000

Office Location
Hebrew University
Web Address


Professor Howell received his BS in Physics (1995) with a minor in Mathematics from Utah State University, and his MS and PhD in Physics (2000) from Pennsylvania State University. He then took a postdoctoral research position at the Centre for Quantum Computation at the University of Oxford. Professor Howell joined the University of Rochester in 2002 as Assistant Professor of Physics, and promoted to Associate Professor in 2007 and Professor in 2011. Howell received a Research Innovation Award from the Research Corporation in 2004, a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers in 2005, and the Adolph Lomb Medal from the Optical Society of America in 2006 "For innovative contributions in quantum optics, particularly aspects of quantum cloning, violations of Bell's inequalities and maximal photonic entanglement."

Research Overview

Professor Howell's research interests are in the areas of quantum optics and quantum physics. His recent work includes both theoretical and experimental investigations of the foundations of quantum mechanics, entanglement measures, continuous variable entanglement, discrete entanglement, quantum communication/information and weak field detection in coherent atomic media.

Research Interests

  • experimental atomic
  • molecular and optical physics