Research ScientistTel: 585-275-6025
Hutchison Hall 209CFax: 585-244-5689
Dept. Earth & Environmental Sciencesemail: rory.cottrell at rochester dot edu
University of Rochester

Academic Career:


            2003-present       Research Scientist, Paleomagnetic Research Group, University of Rochester

            2003-present       Adjunct Lecturer, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY

            2000-2003       Postdoctoral Fellow, Paleomagnetic Research Group, University of Rochester

            2001    Shipboard Paleomagnetist, Ocean Drilling Program Leg 197 (co-propopent), Motion of the Hawaiian Hotspot: A Paleomagnetic Test

            2000-2003       Laboratory Instructor, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY

            2000    Adjunct, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY

            2000    Ph.D. (Geological Sciences) University of Rochester, Rochester, NY

            1999    Adjunct, SUNY Geneseo, Geneseo, NY

            1998    M.S. (Geological Sciences) University of Rochester, Rochester, NY

            1994    B.A. (Geophysics) State University of New York at Geneseo, Geneseo, NY


Selected Field Experience:

2001 Shipboard paleomagnetist, Ocean Drilling Program Leg 197

2000 Field Assistant, Expedition to the High Canadian Arctic (Axel Heiberg Island, Ellesmere Island), University of Rochester, Paleomagnetic Research Group

1997 Expedition to Cretaceous Chalk deposits of the Gulf Coast

1996 Field Assistant, Expedition to the High Canadian Arctic (Axel Heiberg Island), University of Rochester, Paleomagnetic Research Group

1994-present Select class related field trips around New York State; EES 101, EES 201

Research Interests:

Paleointensity, Cretaceous paleomagnetism, plate motion and tectonics, hotspot motion, rock magnetism and envirnmental magnetism, experimental design for magnetic measurements


Synergistic Activities:

Referee for Journal of Geophysical Research; Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Earth, Planets and Space; Journal of Earth System Science, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, National Science Foundation

Chapter/multi-media reviewer for Prentice Hall Publications, W. H. Freeman and Company, and Wiley Publications (historical geology and physical geology textbooks)

Organizer/Instructor for local K-12 programs, including Science Olympiad, Odyssey of the Mind, Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of America, and local charter schools and science museum exhibits (Rochester, NY)

Mentor for high school students interested in summer internship opportunities in geology through local school districts (Rochester, NY)

Staff advisor for undergraduate geology club (Undergraduate Student Geology Organization) and National Honor Society for Earth Scientists (Zeta Phi chapter of Sigma Gamma Epsilon)

Local field trip leader for small interest groups through Mt Hope Cemetery (Glacial geology of Rochester, NY) and Rochester and Letchworth Gorges (Paleozoic geology of New York).

Guest Expert for Discovery Kids Mystery Hunters

Geologist tour guide for Friends of Mt. Hope Cemetery

Professional Societies:

Geological Society of America, member since 1994

American Geophysical Union, member since 1995

Sigma Gamma Epsilon, member since 1995

Sigma Pi Sigma, member since 1993


Honors and Awards:

Outstanding Student Paper Award, Geomagnetism/Paleomagnetism Section, American,Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 1998

Magna Cum Laude, SUNY Geneseo, 1994

Outstanding Student in Geological Sciences, SUNY Geneseo, 1994

Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship Nominee for SUNY Geneseo, 1993



Session Chair: American Geophysical Union

Paleomagnetism from the America, R. Cottrell and others, Joint Assembly Meeting, Toronto, Canada, 2009.

Paleomagnetism Applied to Tectonics and the Geodynamo, R Cottrell, University of Rochester; A Smirnov, Yale University, Joint Assembly Meeting, 2006.

The Hawaiian-Emperor Seamounts: New Results and Implications for the Nature of Hot Spots II Posters, D Scholl, Stanford University; R Cottrell, University of Rochester, Fall Meeting, 2002.

Course work:


EES 201 – Evolution of the Earth
This course is intended for students interested in the evolution of the Earth in terms of tectonics, biology, and climate. Historical geology encompasses the 1) dynamic history of the physical Earth: the development of landforms, the rise and fall of ancient seas, movements of continents, and 2) the evolution of life on this planet in response to a changing Earth. In addition, this class focuses on a chronological survey of Earth and life history, emphasizing the evolution as seen in North America.

2008 - present, Fall, Even Years

EES 256 – Paleomagnetism and Global Plate Tectonics
The purpose of this class is to introduce the student to the concepts of paleomagnetism and its application in the study of global plate tectonics. The study of paleomagnetism revolutionized how scientists theorized how lithospheric plates moved – from the simplistic approach of continental drift to the actual mechanism of sea floor spreading and using paleomagnetic poles to demonstrate how lithospheric plates have moved in the past.

2009 - present, Fall, Odd Years

EES 205 – Solid Earth Geophysics
This course is intended for motivated juniors and seniors in the Earth & Environmental Sciences curriculum. Topics covered included composition of the earth; radioactivity and age of the earth; gravity field and rotation; earthquakes and propagation of seismic waves; magnetic field; paleomagnetism; heat generation and heat flow; plate tectonics and convection in the earth.


EES 101 – Introduction to Physical Geology (Laboratory)
This introductory geology class provides a broad overview of the Earth Sciences, from planetary evolution to the interplay of geology and climate. The course is a prerequisite for all undergraduate majors who are considering careers in the Earth and Environmental Sciences, while also satisfying science requirements for other undergraduate majors. A basic introduction to geological processes is supplemented with an emphasis on marine geology and plate tectonics. The course also aims to provide students with a geological background with which they can better evaluate current environmental issues, including potential global warming. The lecture material is supplemented with laboratory exercises that enhance the students' understanding of Earth processes, including mineral and rock identification, river, glacial, desert and coastal landscapes, earthquakes, lunar geology, geologic time, deformation of the Earth's crust and climate change through geologic history.


GSci 101 - Geologic History of Life (SUNY Geneseo)
An introduction to the evolution and development of life on Earth. Topics include the origin of life, development of multicellular organisms, evolution of land plants and animals, dinosaurs, mammals, and the use of paleontology in the interpretation of earth history. (Directed at non-science majors or those desiring a general background in Earth history. Credit may not be applied toward either the Geological Sciences major or the B.S. in Natural Science with PreK-6 provisional certification.)

GSci 100 – Our Geologic Environment (SUNY Geneseo)
This course is intended for non-science majors who have an interest in their physical environment. The course is designed to develop an understanding of the interaction of Earth processes, the environment, and the human population. Topics include Earth materials, natural resources, geologic hazards, environmental change, and global environmental issues.

Selected Publications:

  • J.A. Tarduno, R.D. Cottrell and S.L. Wilkison, Magnetostratigraphy of the Late Cretaceous to Eocene Sverdrup Basin: Implications for heterochroneity, deformation and rotations in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, Journal of Geophysical Research, 102, 723-746, 1997.
  • J. A. Tarduno and R. D. Cottrell, Paleomagnetic evidence for motion of the Hawaiian hotspot during formation of the Emperor seamounts, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 153, 171-180, 1997.
  • J. A. Tarduno, D. B. Brinkman, P. R. Renne, R. D. Cottrell, H. Scher, P. Castillo, Evidence for Extreme Climatic Warmth from Late Cretaceous Arctic Vertebrates, Science, 282, 2241-2244, 1998.
  • R. D. Cottrell and J. A. Tarduno, Geomagnetic paleointensity derived from single plagioclase crystals, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 169, 1-5, 1999.
  • R. D. Cottrell and J. A. Tarduno, Late Cretaceous True Polar Wander: Not So Fast, Science, 288, 2283, 2000.
  • R. D. Cottrell and J. A. Tarduno, In search of high fidelity geomagnetic paleointensities: A comparison of single plagioclase crystal and whole rock Thellier-Thellier analyses, Journal of Geophysical Research, 105, 23,579-23,594, 2000.
  • J. A. Tarduno, R. D. Cottrell, and Alexei V. Smirnov, High Geomagnetic Field Intensity During the mid-Cretaceous from Thellier Analyses of Single Plagioclase Crystals, Science, 291, 1779-1783, 2001.
  • J. A. Tarduno, R. D. Cottrell, and A. V. Smirnov, The Cretaceous superchron geodynamo: Observations near the tangent cylinder, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 99, 14020-14025, 2002.
  • R. D. Cottrell and J. A. Tarduno, A Late Cretaceous pole for the Pacific plate: implications for apparent and true polar wander and the drift of hotspots, Tectonophysics, 362, 321-333, 2003.
  • J. A. Tarduno, R. A. Duncan, D. W. Scholl, R. D. Cottrell, B. Steinberger, T. Thordarson, B. C. Kerr, C. R. Neal, F. A. Frey, M. Torii, and C. Carvallo, The Emperor Seamounts: Southward Motion of the Hawaiian Hotspot Plume in Earth's Mantle, Science, 301, 1064-1069, 2003.
  • J. A. Tarduno and R. D. Cottrell, Dipole strength and variation of the time-averaged reversing and nonreversing geodynamo based on Thellier analyses of single plagioclase crystals, Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, B11101, doi:10.1029/2005JB003970, 2005.
  • J. A. Tarduno, R. D. Cottrell, and Alexei V. Smirnov, The paleomagnetism of single silicate crystals: Recording geomagnetic field strength during mixed polarity intervals, superchrons, and inner core growth, Reviews in Geophysics, 44(1), RG1002, 10.1029/2005RG000189, 2006.
  • J. A. Tarduno, R. D. Cottrell, M. K. Watkeys, and D. Bauch, Geomagnetic field strength 3.2 billion years ago recorded by single silicate crystals, Nature, 446, 657-660, doi:10.1038/nature05667, 2007.
  • R. D. Cottrell, J. A. Tarduno, and J. Roberts, The Kiaman Reversed Polarity Superchron at Kiama: Toward a field strength estimate based on single silicate crystals, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 169, 49-58, doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2008.07.041, 2008.
  • Y. Usui, J.A. Tarduno, M. Watkeys, A. Hofmann and R.D. Cottrell, Evidence for a 3.45 billion-year-old magnetic remanence from conglomerates of South Africa, Geochem. Geophys. Geosystems (G-cubed), 10, Q09Z07, 2009.
  • J.A. Tarduno, R.D. Cottrell, M.K. Watkeys, A. Hofmann, P.V. Doubrovine, E.E. Mamajek, D. Liu, D.G. Sibeck, L.P. Neukirch and Y. Usui, Geodynamo, Solar wind, and magnetopause 3.4 to 3.45 billion years ago, Science, 327, 1238-1240, 2010.
  • J.A. Tarduno, R.D. Cottrell, F. Nimmo, J. Hopkins, J. Voronov, A. Erickson, E.G. Blackman, E.R.D. Scott, R. McKinley, Evidence for a Dynamo in the Main Group Pallasite Parent Body, Science, 338, 939-942, 2012.
  • J.A. Tarduno, R.D. Cottrell, Signals from the ancient geodynamo: A paleomagnetic field test on the Jack Hills metaconglomerate, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 367, 123-132, 2013.
  • Tarduno, J.A., Watkeys, M.K., Huffman, T.N., Cottrell, R.D., Blackman, E.G., Wendt, A., Scribner, C.A., Wagner, C.L., Antiquity of the South Atlantic Anomaly and evidence for top-down control on the geodynamo, Nature Communications, 6, Article no. 7865, 2015.
  • Tarduno, J.A., Cottrell, R.D., Davis, W.J., Nimmo, F., Bono, R.K., A Hadean to Paleoarchean geodynao recorded by single zircon crystals, Science, 349, 521-524, 2015.
  • Cottrell, R.D., Tarduno, J.A., Bono, R.K., Dare, M.S., Mitra, G., The inverse microconglomerate test: Further evidence for the preservation of Hadean magnetizations in metasediments of the Jack Hills, Western Australia, Geophysical Research Letters, 43, 4215-4220, 2016.

Select Presentations:

  • Cottrell, RD, Tarduno, JA, Bono, RK, Thern, ER, Chhibber, SK (2016) The Hadean to Paleoarchean geodynamo: microconglomerate tests from siliciclastic metasedimentary rocks from the Southern Cross Terrane of Western Australia, Abstract DI13A-2344 presented at 2016 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif. 12-16 December.
  • Cottrell, RD, Tarduno, JA, Bono, RK, Dare, MS (2016) The inverse microconglomerate test: Definition and application to the preservation of Paleoarchean to Hadean magnetizations in metasediments of the Jack Hills, Western Australia, EGU2016-9203, Vienna, Austria, 17-22, April 2016.
  • Cottrell, RD, Tarduno, JA, Bono, RK (2015), Micro-conglomerate tests and the Hadean to Paleoarchean geodynamo as recorded in zircons of the Jack Hills, Abstract GP23B-1302 presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 14-18 December.
  • Cottrell, RD, Tarduno, JA and Bono, RK (2015), The geodynamo as recorded in Archean and Hadean zircons, Abstract GP22A-07 presented at 2015 Joint Assembly Meeting, Montreal, Quebec, Canada., 3-7 May.
  • Cottrell, RD, Tarduno, JA and Bono, RK (2014), Paleomagnetic measurements of Archean and Hadean zircons, Abstract GP53A-3752 presented at 2014 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 15-19 Dec.
  • Cottrell, RD, Tarduno, JA, Davis, WJ and Mamajek, E (2013), Constraining the geodynamo and magnetopause during Earth's first billion years, Abstract V31E-07 presented at 2013 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 9-13 Dec.
  • Cottrell, RD, Tarduno, JA, Bono, RK (2012) Probing the Oldest Geodynamo, EGU2012-12523, Vienna, Austria, 22-27 April 2012.
  • Cottrell, RD, Evans, KM, Jacobs, RA, May, BB, Pelz, JB, Rosen, MR, Tarduno, JA and Voronov, J (2010), Eye-tracking novice and expert geologist groups in the field and laboratory, Abstract ED11C-03 presented at 2010 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 13-17 Dec.
  • Cottrell, RD, Tarduno, JA, Watkeys, MK, Huffman, TN (2008), Multispecimen and temper archeomagnetic studies: Application to Iron Age sites from southern Africa, Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract GP43C-03
  • Cottrell, RD, Wendt, AK, Tarduno, JA, Watkeys, MK, Huffman, TN (2008), Paleointensity of Iron Age pottery shards from southern Africa, Eos Trans. AGU, 89(23), Jt. Assem. Suppl., Abstract GP41B-06
  • Cottrell, RD, Tarduno, JA, Watkeys, MK (2007) Examining the strength of Earth's early magnetic field (solicited) EGU2007-A-02030, Vienna, Austria, April 2007.
  • Cottrell, RD, Tarduno, JA, Doubrovine, PV (2007), Motion of Pacific mantle plumes, Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract U34A-05
  • Cottrell, RD, Tarduno, JA, Watkeys, MK (2006), Stromberg Lava Directional and Paleointensity Data from Transitional Lava flows: Implications for the Mesozoic Dipole Low, Eos Trans. AGU, 87(36), Jt. Assem. Suppl., Abstract GP23A-04
  • Cottrell, RD, Tarduno, JA (2006) Low temperature oxidation and long-term paleointensity (solicited) EGU06-A-08682, Vienna, Austria, 03-07 April 2006.
  • Cottrell, RD, Tarduno, JA, Watkeys, MK (2005), Rock magnetic and paleointensity data from plagioclase crystals of the Stormberg (Karoo) Lavas of Lesotho, Eos Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract GP13A-0033
  • Cottrell, RD, Smirnov, AV, Tarduno, JA (2004), Rapid true polar wander: A quixotic search?, Eos Trans. AGU, 85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract U33A-0024
  • Cottrell, RD and Tarduno, JA (2002) LATE CRETACEOUS TO EARLY TERTIARY MOTION OF THE HAWAIIAN HOTSPOT AND ITS GEODYNAMIC IMPLICATIONS, GSA Cordilleran Section - 98th Annual Meeting (13-15 May 2002).
  • Cottrell, R D and Tarduno, J A, Pacific Apparent Polar Wander: Evidence for Hotspot Drift and Plate Motion Rather Than Rapid True Polar Wander, Eos Trans. AGU, 82, Spring Meet. Suppl., Abstract T51A-06, 2001.
  • Cottrell, R D, Tarduno, J A, and Smirnov, J.A. Evidence for High Geomagnetic Field Intensities During Times of Low Reversal Frequency, Eos Trans. AGU, 82, Spring Meet. Suppl., Abstract GP52A-05 - Invited, 2001.
  • Cottrell, R D and Tarduno, J A, High geomagnetic intensities during the mid-Cretaceous: Tests using Thellier analyses of plagioclase crystals from basalts of the High Canadian Arctic, Eos Trans. AGU, 81, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract GP72B-07, 2000.
  • Cottrell, R D and Tarduno, J A, Late Cretaceous True Polar Wander: Not So Fast, Eos Trans. AGU, 81, Spring Meet. Suppl., Abstract T51A-06, 2000.
  • Cottrell, R D and Tarduno, J A, A Comparison of Whole Rock and Single Crystal Thellier-Thellier Paleointensity Results, Eos Trans. AGU, 79, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract GP31B-12, 1998.
  • Cottrell, R D and Tarduno, J A, Single Crystal Paleointensity Studies, Eos Trans. AGU, 79, Spring Meet. Suppl., Abstract GP21A-08, 1998.
  • Cottrell, R D and Tarduno, J A, Magnetic Hysteresis Properties of Single Crystals: Prelude to Paleointensity Studies, Eos Trans. AGU, 78, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract GP41A-05, 1997.
  • Cottrell, R D and Tarduno, J A, Tectonic and paleoclimatic implications of a high latitude Late Cretaceous pole position for the Pacific plate, Eos Trans. AGU., 78, Spring Meet. Suppl., Abstract GP51A-14, 1997.
  • Cottrell, R D and Tarduno, J A, Paleolatitude of the Detroit Seamount: Implications for the motion of the Pacific plate and Hawaiian hotspot, Eos Trans. AGU, 77, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract GP72-08, 1996.