
August 2022 - Albert graduation party

June 2022 - Jake's defense

May 2022 - David farewel party

March 2022 - Ningyu graduation

December 2021 - Dr Ren farewel party, you will be missed Xikun!

December 2021 -
Welcome Ritty, Tashi, Michelle, Dr Roy, Nawal and Bo to our lab!

February 2021 - Group meetings in the time of Covid-19

January 2021 - We got new "toys", two automated purification systems!

November 2020 - Ron and Mary join the lab

October 2020 - Goergen Award zoom cerimony

September 2020 - Alfons and Rudi in the lab

August 2020 - We bid farewell to Daniela

July 2020 - Antonio and Ajay ferewell get together

December 2019 - Secret Santa Party

November 2019 - Chemistry Department Award. Left to right: Andrew Bortz (awarded the Moses Passer Fellowship), Jake Iannuzzelli (awarded the Arnold Weissberger Fellowship), Rudi, Antonio Tinoco (Outstanding Graduate Student) and Albert Nam (W.D. Walters Teaching Award)

June 2019 - Ajay presents his work at the "23rd Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference and 9th International Green and Sustainable Chemistry Conference" in Reston, Virginia

March 2019 - Viktoria presents her work at the Gordon Research Conference in Ventura, California

December 2018 - Secret Santa Party

August 2018 - Farewell party for our new doctors Dr. Andrew Owens and Dr. Tessa Baker

August 2018 - REU poster section: Noah Gubernick and Rudi

July 2018 - Group photo day: few more pics of all of us

July 2018 - Noah Gubernick (REU student), Melissa Jagrosse (incoming graduate student) and Kaitlyn Houghtling (incoming graduate student) spent the summer working in our lab. Welcome guys!

June 2018 - David Varga and the students during his outreaching program in Colombia

June 2018 - Eric, Rudi, David, Albert, Viktoria, and Antonio run the 2018 Teacher’s Challenge 5K which took place up on the shore of Lake Ontario

May 2018 - Brighton High School students visit to our lab

April 2018 - We sang Farewell to Agustina and Krittika

April 2018 - Yashika Sharma presenting a poster titled "Chemoenzymatic Synthesis of Micheliolide Analogs for the Treatment of Acute Myelogunous Leukemia (AML)" at the 2018 National Conferences on Undergraduate Research

March 2018 -
Viktoria Steck, Antonio Tinoco and Eric Moore attended the 255th ACS National Meeting in New Orleans

March 2018 - Antonio Tinoco giving an oral presentation titled "Asymmetric synthesis of trifluoromethyl-substituted cyclopropanes via myoglobin-catalyzed transfer of trifluoromethylcarbene" at the 255th ACS National Meeting

December 2017 - Secret Santa Party with lots of dishes from many different parts of the world, amazing magic tricks and of course Santa's presents!

November 2017 - Antonio Tinoco receiving the Walters award for excellence in teaching

October 2017 - David Varga working on our new anaerobic chamber

September 2017 - Students working hard in the lab

August 2017 - REU Poster Section: Emma Kruger, Justin Galardi and Robbin Jang

June 2017 - Summer chemistry department picnic

June 2017 - @FasanLab is on Twitter now, follow us!

June 2017 - First group 5k run. from left to right Viktoria, Andrew, Rudi, Antonio and Eric

June 2017 - RIPLA award cerimony

June 2017 - Farewell party for Gopee and Ivan

December 2016 - Secret Santa party at Gopee's

August 2016 - We said good bye to two great lab members, Priyanka and Vikas, with a late summer dinner at the Fasans

August 2016 - REU Poster Section: Yashika Sharma

May 2016 - Christine, Garrick and Katherine at their graduation cerimony

April 2015 - Christine Ziegler, Garrick Centola, and Katherine Grasso at the Senior Poster presentation

January 2016 - Lab photo day: we couldn't resist shooting the first ever group selfie!

January 2016 - Lab photo day: snowed group

January 2016 - The Fasan lab at Distillery for Simone farewell party

August 2015 - The Fasan lab at the Laser Quest for Nina and Josh farewell party

August 2015 - Congrats Doctor Josh!

August 2015 - REU Poster Section: (top left, clockwise) Josh, Rachel, Edgar and Douglas

June 2015 - The new kids on the bench: Amy, Douglas, Viktoria and Lauren. Welcome guys!!

May 2015 - Abe, Nick, John and Queenie at the graduation cerimony

April 2015 - Abe Wu, Queenie Li, and John DeCourcey at the Senior Poster presentation

October 2014 - The Fasan Lab at Skyzone (indoor trampoline park)

October 2014 - The Fasan Lab at Skyzone: the dodgeball teams

October 2014 - The Fasan Lab at Skyzone: the foam zone dives!

October 2014 - Nick, Abe and Queenie at the Fall Junior Scholar Award ceremony

August 2014 - Lab Cleaning Day

July 2014 - The REU program is almost completed, congrats to all our students here at their final poster presentation:
Katherine Grasso, Queenie Li, Garrick Centola, Matthew Carbone and John DeCourcey

May 2014 - Peter and Louis at the graduation cerimony

May 2014 - Peter, Louis and Phil at the Senior Poster presentation

November 2013 - Louis, Phil and Peter at the Fall Junior Scholar Award ceremony

July 2013 - BBQ

May 2013 - Yick, Nick and Tatyana graduating

May 2013 - Bowling night

July 2012 - BBQ

May 2012 - Bowling night

July 2011 - BBQ
Jan 2011 - group meeting

July 2010 - BBQ