Bren Group

Principal Investigator


Prof. Kara L. Bren

Graduate Students



Dr. Afsar Ali (PD)

Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh India


Email: aali37@ur.rochester,edu

Research: I am looking forward to designing biomimetic cobalt complexes consisting of Janus peptide chains at the outer coordination sphere and deploying for small molecules electro-reduction (nitrite, carbon dioxide, oxygen and proton reduction reactions). Herein, I am exploring the buffer’s pKa effects on tuning the product selectivity.


Kaye Kuphal (G5)

Guilin, China

Owensboro, Kentucky

B.A. Biochemistry, Colgate University


Research: I am excited to work on bioinorganic projects. My research focuses on electrocatalytic nitrite/nitrate reduction using inorganic catalysts. Outside of lab, I am an oboist, pianist, and creative writer.

Ryan Kosko

Ryan Kosko (G5)

Greece, NY

B.S. Chemistry, SUNY Geneseo


Research: My research focuses on heavy-metal free systems for artificial photosynthesis. I utilize organic dye photosensitizers and biocatalysts for light-driven hydrogen production.


Hafsa Irfan (G4)

 Lahore, Pakistan

 B.S. Chemistry, Lahore University of Managment Sciences

I'm excited to work in the Bren lab to amalgamate moleculary biology with photochemistry and electrochemistry! My current research would involve expressing cytochrome proteins for use as hydrogen evolution carbon dioxide reduction catalysts. 



María Fernanda Lizarazo (G4)

Bogotá D.C, Colombia

B.S. Chemistry, National University of Colombia

My research focuses on CdSe nanoparticles and porphyrin catalysts for photochemical hydrogen production. I am using electrochemical methods to characterize these catalysts and understand their reactivity.





Soraya Ngarnim (G4)

N'Djamena, Chad

Fairfax ,Virgina

B.S. Chemistry, George Mason University


My research focuses on the use of electrogenic bacteria as electron donors in photochemical hydrogen evolution systems. I am also using electrochemical systems to study the behavior of these bacteria.




Karishma Ramesh (G2)

Bangalore, India


B.S. Chemistry, St. Joseph's University, Bangalore

M.S. Chemistry, St. Joseph's University, Bangalore


I am learning about photochemical proton and carbon dioxide reduction using metal-based synthetic mini enzymes and explore some nitrate-nitrite reduction electrochemically with first-row transition metal catalysts!   




Alana Huynh (G2)

York, Pensylvania

B.S. Biochemistry, Ursinus College, Collegeville


I am a joint student in the Bren and Partridge groups. 








Shamitri Bandyopadhyay (G1)

Rochester, NY 

B.S. Chemistry, Cornell University 

I'm excited to explore photochemical hydrogen evolution and electrochemical nitrate-nitrite reduction using small molecule tranisition metal catalysts! 




Undergraduate Students



Hafsa Mohamed


Rochester, NY


Research: I am Hafsa, pronounced the same as FAFSA. I am a rising third-year undergraduate at the University of Rochester who recently got the chance to work for a summer in the Bren Lab. I intend to continue being here since I loved this opportunity so much. I have been working on CO2 reduction in electrochemical and photochemical systems.