
The Statistics Program offers two degrees in statistics: a bachelor of science (BS) degree and a bachelor of arts (BA) degree.

BA in Statistics

The BA degree offers a general exploration of statistical methodology, providing an education in methodology, computing, and application. Students further explore statistical applications through allied field courses that provide an extensive exploration of statistics as an inter-disciplinary field.

Because of this, the BA is a nice choice for students looking to pursue additional majors that often embed statistical methodology within them (e.g. economics, business, mathematics, computer science). 

The BA offers a flexible option for exploring general statistical methodology within the context of many fields.

BS in Statistics

The BS degree offers a more specialized educational in statistical techniques. Students will explore methodology, computing, and applications, and will additionally focus on advanced methods and applications through a rigorous schedule of statistics and mathematics courses.

The BS degree has a focus on mathematics in order to support the upper-level statistical methodology in the advanced core courses. With the BS in statistics, students will gain strong foundations in the theoretical aspects of probability, inference, linear models, and Bayesian methods, while also acquiring detailed programming and computing skills that are of specific interest for statisticians. 

BA in Mathematics and Statistics 

The Statistics Program also offers a joint BA in mathematics and statistics with the Department of Mathematics. This degree offers a balance of statistical methodology and mathematical training.

The joint BA offers greater background in mathematics and provides a more general overview of statistics, whereas the BS is an in-depth exploration of statistics that relies on mathematical tools.