Developmental Psychology
Developmental Psychology Training Track
The developmental psychology training track offers students intensive and personalized research training in the different areas of the developmental sciences reflected in our faculty's interests. Students in this track complete departmental methodology and core course requirements as well as a year-long core course sequence in developmental psychology. They take additional advanced coursework in statistics and in developmental psychology.
Departmental Requirements
Students must fulfill the departmental quantitative methods, departmental distribution, and teaching requirements outlined in graduate handbook (PDF). This includes a year-long course in statistics, as well as two courses in other areas of the program.
Developmental Core Courses
Students must also take the Developmental Core courses:
- PSYC 569: Developmental Theory and Research
- PSYC 562: Developmental Methods
Developmental Elective Courses
Students must also take three of the following additional elective courses:
- PSYC 525: Positive Youth Development
- PSYC 560: Family Processes in Childhood
- PSYC 563: Adolescent Development
- PSYC 565: Early Child Development
- PSYC 566: Neurobiological Foundations
- PSYC 583: Moral Development
Courses in Brain and Cognitive Science also may be used as Developmental Program electives, and additional seminars are sometimes offered.
Students are also expected to participate in one or more of the faculty members’ research program beginning in the first semester of the first year. As students progress through the program, they are expected to develop increasingly independent research programs. A Master’s thesis consisting of a small empirical research study is expected at the end of the second year. Their research experience culminates in the defense of the dissertation.