150th Anniversary of the January Uprising
Wednesday, February 27, 7:30 pm
Photos from the event
On January 22, 1863, an uprising against the Russian Empire began on the former territory of Poland, the powstanie styczniowe, which lasted into 1865. The immediate cause was a spontaneous movement to resist conscription into the Russian army, but the
uprising tapped into deep sources of discontent with Tsarist rule and spread rapidly. In the aftermath, many thousands of Poles were deported to Siberia, and Russian rule in Poland became much more oppressive. A panel including Randall Stone, Professor
of Political Science, Kathleen Parthé, Professor of Russian and the Director of the Russian Studies Program in the College, Jan Lencznarowicz, Skalny Visiting Professor from Jagiellonian University in Kraków, and Kathleen Geaney, Visiting Scholar
from Charles University in Prague, will discuss the significance of this anniversary in Polish history and Polish-Russian relations.
Sloan Auditorium, Goergen Hall, University of Rochester River Campus
Free and open to the public.
Reception will follow the presentation.
Photos from the event
Sloan Auditorium, Goergen Hall, University of Rochester River Campus
Free and open to the public.
Reception will follow the presentation.