Meliora Weekend: LGBTQ&A Breakfast Panel
Saturday, October 12, 2013
9 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Meliora Restaurant: Salon D
Panel Discussion

"LGBTQI Issues and Education at the University of Rochester: Student and Alumni/Alumnae Perspectives." The Susan B. Anthony Institute for Gender and Women's Studies and the Pride Network present a breakfast and panel discussion highlighting issues in education for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer and Questioning (LGBTQ) students on campus.
Our goal is both to highlight our new course offerings in LGBTQI Studies and to solicit information on how we can improve and expand these offerings. Warner School Professor Edward Brockenbrough, Ph.D. M.S. will moderate the panel comprised of alumna BJ Douglass and alumnus Noah Drezner, Ph.D. as well as current students affliliated with the Pride Network, Clint Cantwell and Margaret Speer. The more people who attend, the more ideas we will gather, so we urge as many as possible to join us.
The event is free of charge with a continental plus breakfast (danishes, coffee, bagels and more!) provided, so please mark your calendars . We hope to see you there!
Faculty, alumnae, and current students are already registering for this free event. You can let us know if you'll be coming by registering online at or by emailing us at