Viral Voyages, or AIDS as an Epidemic of Globalization
Monday, October 15, 2012
5 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Welles Brown Room
Lina Meruana's talk, "Viral Voyages, or AIDS as an Epidemic of Globalization," will situate the global AIDS crisis as it has been read and represented in post colonial terms in Latin America, showing that AIDS metaphors produced early on in the US travelled far and were repeated, reappropriated, and critically examined by homosexual writers from the south. Meruana is Latin American fiction writer and scholar with an interest in 20th-Century Latin American Literature (Fiction and Non-Fiction), Representations of Disease, Gender Studies and Feminisms, and Global & Local Debates in Latin American Literature. She teaches Latin American Cultures in the Liberal Studies Program and writing workshops in the MFA in Creative Writing in Spanish at New York University.