2012 Stanton/Anthony Conversations: "Sick of It: Issues of Health Care Inequities in America"
Friday, October 12, 2012
Noon - 3 p.m.
Interfaith Chapel, University of Rochester
Luncheon and Panel

Keynote Speaker Dr. Deborah Richter, advocate with Physicians for a National Health Program, will give the Keynote Talk during the luncheon. Following the luncheon is a free panel discussion with Dr. Richter, who will be joined by Dr. Nancy Bennett, Professor of Medicine and of Community and Preventive Medicine, the Director of the Center for Community Health and Associate Vice President at the University of Rochester Medical Center (URMC) and Attorney Sandra Fluke. Dr. Linda Chaudron, Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Pediatrics and Ob/GYN, Associate Chair for Clinical Services in the Department of Psychiatry and Senior Associate Dean for Diversity at the URMC will moderate the panel. Presented by the Anthony Center for Women's Leadership. Visit the Meliora Weekend website to register: https://www.rochester.edu/melioraweekend/