"Mother: Caring for 7 Billion" Film Screening
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Hoyt Auditorium, University of Rochester
Film Screening

Synopsis: "Mother, the film, breaks a 40-year taboo by bringing to light an issue that silently fuels our most pressing environmental, humanitarian and social crises - population growth. In 2011 the world population reached 7 billion, a startling seven-fold increase since the first billion occurred 200 years ago."Mother: Caring for 7 Billion" features world-renown experts and scientists including biologist Paul Ehrlich, author of The Population Bomb;" economist Mathis Wackernagel, the creator of the ground-breaking Footprint Network; Malcolm Potts, a pioneer in human reproductive health; and Riane Eisler, whose book The Chalice and the Blade has been published in 23 countries." Film series sponsored by the Susan B. Anthony Institute for Gender and Women's Studies, The Little Theatre, and the Multi-Media Center. Email sbai@rochester.edu for more information. Film is free and open to the public.