(en)Gendered Exhibit Opening Reception
Friday, January 20, 2012
5 p.m.
SAGE Art Center
Art Opening

Join SBAI at Sage as we announce the winners of our 2012 annual undergraduate juried art show: (en)Gendered. In honor of our 25th anniversary, the theme for this year is "Failure is Impossible: Feminism's Past, Present, and Future." This will be your only chance to view ALL of the amazing entrants! Lynn Duggan, Professor of Art at Nazareth College and this year's guest juror, will give a gallery talk and announce this winners and honorable mentions. Enjoy refreshments and mingle with students and staff at one of our favorite events! The top art pieces this year will be exhibited at the Art and Music Library from 1/26/12 to 2/23/12.