2011 Stanton/Anthony Conversation - "In Labor: Women in America's Unions"
Friday, October 21, 2011
Noon - 3 p.m.
Interfaith Chapel
Luncheon and Discussion

Keynote Speaker Ai-jen Poo
This annual luncheon lecture, sponsored by the Anthony Center for Women's Leadership, examines the hurdles that women have to leap in academia, business, and government. Lunch will be followed by an open conversation with the Keynote speaker and panelists.
Keynote Ai-jen Poo will be joined by Dorothy Sue Cobble, Natasha Vargas-Cooper, and Patricia Greenfield '76. Dr. Vivian Lewis will give a memorial presentation in honor of Nora Bredes before the talk begins.
12:00pm – Luncheon ($40 per person/$20 per student)
1:30 pm – 3:00 pm - Conversations (free and open to the public.
Register for lunch through the Meliora Site: Register Here