Applications for the next full academic year (fall and spring of the following year) are due on December 1st.
Each year, the SBAI invites current graduate students at the University of Rochester to compete for the Susan B. Anthony Teaching Fellowship, which offers graduate students an opportunity to design and teach their own introductory (100-level, four-credit) course in GSW.
In offering this fellowship, the Curriculum Committee hopes that students will use their imagination to develop courses that explore different approaches to the challenge of introducing gender, sexuality, and women’s studies to undergraduate students.
This teaching fellowship will offer an award of $7,425 for an individual graduate student. We especially encourage applications from students who have passed their qualifying exams or will shortly do so.
Please note:
- The current year's competition is for the following academic year. Two fellowships are awarded to two graduate students each year, one to teach during the fall semester and one to teach during the spring semester. If you are unable to teach during one of the semesters in the following academic year, please indicate this in your application.
- Prior to submitting an application, graduate students must have the permission of their faculty advisor or department chair to teach a course during the following academic year.
- Applicants may revise and resubmit proposals from previous years if they were not awarded a fellowship for the course. Applicants are encouraged to consult with the committee if they are doing this.
View a list of previous recipients here.
Graduate students should submit the following materials through the SBAI Teaching Fellowship application form:
- A curriculum vitae with teaching experience clearly identified.
- A teaching statement. The teaching statement should include:
- Your teaching methods, approaches, and objectives
- How you think your course could serve majors and minors in gender, sexuality, and women's studies
- How you think your course could attract new students to gender, sexuality, and women’s studies and serve the needs of the broader undergraduate student population at the University of Rochester
- A description of any relevant teaching experience at the University of Rochester or elsewhere
- The name and contact information of a faculty member who can best attest to your teaching qualifications.
- A proposed syllabus for an introductory four-credit course that explores the field of gender, sexuality, and women's studies at the 100 level. The proposed syllabus should include:
- Course description and course title
- Learning goals and objectives
- Tentative schedule that outlines some of the issues/questions that will frame the course
- Indication of assignments that students will be completing
- Description of other requirements
- Tentative course policies
Creating Your Course
In designing their courses, applicants should consider the specific teaching and intellectual goals of this introductory course, which include:
- Familiarizing students with the questions and issues that gender, sexuality, and women’s studies raise and explore
- Introducing students to some of the most important concepts and terms in the field
- Alerting students to the interdisciplinary nature of gender, sexuality, and women’s studies
- Introducing students to some of the current theoretical debates in the field
- Helping students develop critical thinking and writing skills
- Getting students excited about taking GSW courses
Given these expectations, please consider creating courses that use a relatively narrow topical approach to serve as a lens through which students can explore a variety of perspectives and disciplines. This course should be geared toward first-year and second-year students with no prior experience in gender, sexuality, and women’s studies.
As you design your course title, think about what key words are most likely to attract an undergraduate audience.
Your course description should use clear language and indicate some of the questions and topics that your course will explore. Listing some of the readings that you think would be of interest to undergraduates is also a good strategy to engage students.
Samples of previous GSW 100 syllabi can be requested from the SBAI office by emailing