Joanne Bernardi

Joanne Bernardi

Professor of Japanese

PhD, East Asian Languages and Cultures: Japanese, Columbia University, 1992

Office Location
409 Lattimore Hall
(585) 275-4268

Office Hours: On Leave Fall 2019

Research Overview

Joanne Bernardi’s research and teaching focus on Japanese cinema and culture; moving image and media history and historiography; and visual and material culture. She is currently working on an open-access, multimedia online archive, the digital component of a larger research project that uses travel, education, and the production and exchange of images and objects as a lens to investigate changing representations of Japan and its place in the world in the first half of the twentieth century. Her work is informed by a familiarity with early and silent film, a background in photography, film and video production, and an interest in moving image archiving and preservation.

More about Joanne Bernardi

Research Interests

  • Japanese cinema and culture
  • the history and historiography of moving images and other visual media
  • material culture studies
  • and critical digital humanities practice