Chopin in Music and Letters [CANCELED]
Due to the University regulations regarding coronavirus, this concert is postponed until next fall.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
7 p.m.
Hatch Recital Hall, Eastman School of Music

A concert to celebrate the 210th anniversary of Chopin’s birth will consist of performances of Chopin's music interspersed with readings of passages from his correspondence. The genesis of Chopin’s compositions, his character, and his personality can be drawn from these writings.
Chopin’s music will be performed by pianists: Ania Vu (University of Pennsylvania) and Nathan Cheung (Eastman School of Music), soprano Paulina Swierczek (Eastman School of Music and Bard College), and cellist Oleg Babkov (Eastman School of Music).
Passages of Chopin’s letters will be read by Randall Stone, Director of the Skalny Center.
Free and open to the public.
Co-sponsored by the Skalny Center for Polish and Central European Studies and the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in New York.
Projekt jest współfinansowany ze środków Konsulatu Generalnego Rzeczypospolitej Polski w Nowym Jorku