Research Interests:
Our group works in the areas of Organic Electronics, Plasmon-enhanced Spectroscopy and Biomolecular Sensing. The vision behind our studies of Organic Electronics is to understand easily processed organic materials for inexpensive applications as the active element in light-emitting diodes, thin film transistors and photovoltaic devices. We study the science of light emission, charge photogeneration and charge transport that underpins future applications of polymers in flexible displays, electronic paper and organic solar cells. The techniques we use span the range from transient spectroscopy of excited state relaxation to charge modulation spectroscopy in devices. We work with novel materials such as self-organizing chiral conjugated oligomers, dendritic side group polymers and water-soluble emissive polymers. Office: B200 Hutchison Hall Contact: 585-273-4725; rothberg@chem.rochester.edu Department Faculty Page; Google Scholar Profile |