Friends and Family
We enjoy the opportunity to maintain our family ties. Over the years, we have been privileged to work with many talented students,
postdocs, and collaborators at other institutions. We maintain an e-mail list of former group members, but we
need your assistance in keeping that list current. Please email Jim Farrar
if you see that we do not have a current address for you. Recent graduates from the group include Drs. Susan Troutman Lee, James I. Lee, David C. Sperry, Elizabeth Richards, and Li Liu. Sue is a staff scientist at ThermoFinnigan, Jim is a design engineer at Stanford Research Systems, David is a research adviser at Eli Lilly, and Elizabeth is a Field Service Engineer at CSA.
Our group has had a long-standing relationship with members of the molecular beam group at the University of Perugia
in Italy. This project has its origins in the crossed beam work of Professor
Franco Vecchiocattivi (pictured above with his wife, Loretta) and his co-worker Dr. Bruno Brunetti of Perugia. Over the past 20 years, our groups have exchanged a number of useful visits. Click here to see the University of Perugia's molecular beams homepage.
We also keep a "group photo album"that contains snapshots of former group members, collaborators, and other friends.
Please check it out!