Curt Cadorette

Curt Cadorette

John Henry Newman Professor Emeritus of Roman Catholic Studies

PhD, St. Michael's College, University of Toronto, 1985

(585) 276-1230

Office Hours: By appointment

Research Overview

Research Interests

  • Catholicism in the Americas
  • Liberation Theology

Selected Publications


  • Benedict XVI and the Theology of Intolerance (in progress).
  • Catholicism in Social and Historical Contexts. Maryknoll, NY, Orbis Books, to be released in April 2010, 288 pages.
  • Liberation Theology: A Reader. Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books, 1992 (an edited text produced in conjunction with three other author-editors). Sixth edition, 1998.
  • From the Heart of the People: The Theology of Gustavo Gutiérrez. New York: Meyer-Stone/Crossroad/Continuum, 1988.


  • "Legion and the Believing Community: Discipleship in an Imperial Age," in The Church as Counterculture, Michael L. Budde and Robert W. Brimlow, eds, Albany: Suny Press, 2000, pp. 153-170.
  • "Catholicism in the Social Order of a New Era" in Dwelling in the House of the Lord: Catholic Laity and Spiritual Tradition, David L. Fleming, S.J., ed., Review for Religious, St. Louis, 2000, pp. pp .94-104.
  • "Uncanny Grace: Christian Communities and the Survival of Hope" in Small Christian Communities: Imagining Future Church. Robert S. Pelton, CSC, editor. South Bend, Indiana: Notre Dame University Press, 1997, pp. 43-57.
  • "Christs in the Night: The Missiological Challenge of Andean Catholicism" in Missiology: An International Review, Vol. 25, No.1, January 1997, 51-60.
  • "Searching for Easter in Peru: Class, Culture and Evangelization" in Cross Currents: A Journal of the Association for Religion and Intellectual Life, Vol. 46, No. 2, 231-243, 1996.
  • "Liberating Mission: David Bosch and Latin American Christianity" in Mission in Bold Humility: David Bosch’s Work Considered, Willem Saayman and Klippies Kritzinger, editors, Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 1996, pp. 59-72.
  • "Catholicism in the Social Order of a New Era" in Review for Religious, September-October 1995, vol. 54, no. 5, 685-695.
  • "Liberating Catholicism: Living the Incarnation in a Post-Modern World" in The Month: A Review of Christian Thought and World Affairs , August 1995, vol. ccvli, no. 1532, 298-304.
  • "The Church in Peru" in The New Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 19, December 1995.
  • "Liberation from Violence: The Contemporary Catholic Challenge" in The Grail: An Ecumenical Journal, September 1995, vol. 11, issue 3, 73-90.
  • "The Deconstruction of Peru: Social Chaos as Ecclesial Kairos," in Missiology vol. xxii, no. 2, 177-186, (April 1994).
  • "Medelln, Profit, Puebla, Recession, Tariffs, Transnational Corporations," entries in The New Dictionary of Catholic Social Thought, Michael Glazier/Liturgical Press, ( March 1994).
  • "Trascender creativamente el pasado" in Noticias Aliadas October 21, 1993, pages 2-3.
  • "Humpty Dumpty and All the King's Men: Putting Latin American Catholicism Together Again" in Latin American Press October 21,1993, pages 2-3.
  • "Third World, Spirituality of," in The New Catholic Dictionary of Spirituality, Michael Glazier/Liturgical Press, 1993.
  • “Liberation Theology: Context and Method” in Liberation Theology: An Introductory Reader. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 1993 (second edition), pages 1-12.
  • "Peru in Crisis" in Maryknoll Magazine, January 1992, pp. 17-28.
  • "Discovering Europe's New Missioners" in Maryknoll Magazine, March 1991, pp. 22-25.
  • "Liberating Spirit: Latin American Theology and Graced Belief" in Sisters Today, May 1990.
  • "Peru and the Mystery of Liberation: The Nexus and Logic of Gustavo Gutiérrez's Theol¬ogy" in Essays in Honor of Gustavo Gutiérrez. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 1989.
  • "Perú y el misterio de la liberación. El nexo y la lógica de la teología de Gustavo Gutiérrez" in Teología y liberación - perspectivas y desafios: Ensayos en torno a la obra de Gustavo Gutiérrez. Lima, C.E.P., 1989.
  • "Enterprising Spirit as Saving Grace" in The World & I, June 1989.
  • "Towards a Contextual Interpretation of Papal Teaching: Reflections from a Peruvian Perspective" in Social Compass 36 (3), Spring 1989, pp. 285-294.
  • "Gutiérrez and Marx: Similarities and Differences" in International Christian Digest (February 1989), p. 29.
  • "Basic Christian Communities: Their Social Role and Missiological Promise," in Mission and Mysticism: Evangelization and the Experience of God, Maryknoll, N.Y.: Maryknoll School of Theology, 1987.
  • "Spokesman for the People" in Maryknoll Magazine (July 1988), 19-22.
  • "Basic Christian Communities and Critical Social Analysis: Making the Connections" in Missiology 15 (April 1987), 17-30.
  • "Of Gods and Potatoes" in New Internationalist No. 155, January 1986, p. 13.
  • "Christianity and the Aymara - A Case Study" in Mission in Dialogue: The Sedos Research Seminar on the Future of Mission, March 8-19, 1981, Rome, Italy. Joseph R. Lang and Mary Motte, eds. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 1982, pp. 500-515.
  • "La diosa bondadosa: la fiesta de la Asunción en Chucuito", Boletín Ocasional, serie 2, no. 3, 27-59, (1980).
  • "Visión Cultural" Boletín Ocasional, serie 2, no. 1, 11-21, (1978).
  • "Carnaval Aymara: comentario" Boletín Ocasional 18, 13-17, February 1975)
  • "El mundo simbólico aymara", Allpanchis VII, 67-94, (1978).
  • "Semana santa y pascua en la cultura aymara: comentario" Boletín Ocasional no. 19, 9-13.(March 1975).