REL 167k/HIST 167k: Speaking Stones
Fall, 2011
Wed. 2:00-4:440
4 credits

   (On-line or on  Reserve at RR Library Circulation Desk)

Philippe Aries.   Western Attitudes Toward Death.
T.S.R. Boase. From: Death in the Middle Ages.
Jessie L. Farber. Early American Gravestones.
Tad Friend.  “The Shroud of Marin.”
G. Lakoff & M. Turner.  From: More Than Cool Reason.
Robert Jay Lifton.  From: The Broken Connection.
Allan Ludwig.  From: Graven Images.
Thomas Lynch.  The Undertaking.
Tim Matson.  Round-Trip to Deadsville.
Jessica Mitford.  The American Way of Death Revisited.
Richard Reisem.  Buried Treasures: A Field Guide.
Richard Reisem.  Mt. Hope.
Emily Wasserman. Gravestone Designs.

  (On-line or on Reserve at RR Library Circulation Desk)

D. Keister.  Stories in Stone: A Field Guide to Cemetery Symbolism and Iconography.
David C. Sloane.  The Last Great Necessity:Cemeteries in American History


Thomas Gray.  An Elegy in a Country Churchyard.
Edgar Lee Masters.  Spoon River Anthology.
Lila Perl.  Dying to Know... About Death, Funeral Customs and
    Final Resting Places.
Edgar Allan Poe.  "The Premature Burial."

Jane Urquhart.  From: The Underpainter.
Ellen Bryant Voigt.  "Visiting the Graves."


1. Class attendance and participation.
2. Prompt Completion of all assignments.
3. Two research essays and a final class presentation.


Th. Emil Homerin
Department of Religion & Classics
Rush Rhees Library #424 (275-4760).

Tuesday 1-2 and by appointment.