Deborah Modrak

Deborah Modrak

Professor Emerita of Philosophy

PhD, University of Chicago

(585) 275-4105

Office Hours: By appointment

Curriculum Vitae

Research Overview

Research Interests

  • Aristotle
  • History of Ancient Philosophy
  • Philosophy of Mind

Selected Publications

  • "Perception and Judgment in the Theaetetus," Phronesis, 1981
  • Aristotle: The Power of Perception, 1987
  • "Aristotle on How We Think," Proceedings on the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy vol. 2, 1987
  • "Aristotle on the Difference between Mathematics and Physics and First Philosophy," in Nature, Knowledge and Virtue: Essays in Memory of Joan Kung, eds. R. Kraut and T. Penner, 1989
  • "Aristotle The First Cognitivist?," Apeiron 23, 1990
  • "The Nous - Body Problem in Aristotle," Review of Metaphysics, 1991
  • Aristotle's Theory of Language and Meaning (Cambridge University Press, 2001)