Person's photo

Myounghee Cho

Assistant Professor of Instruction in Korean

Language Coordinator, Korean

MA, Northern Arizona University

Office Location
430 Lattimore Hall
(585) 275-4251

Office Hours: Tuesday and Friday 12:30-1:30 p.m. and by appointment


Before joining the University of Rochester, Cho taught Korean at Rice University and Northern Arizona University. As a language instructor, she is interested in all aspects of language learning and teaching, particularly focusing on designing effective teaching methodologies. Her goal is to equip students with tools that enable them to explore and experience the Korean language and culture. Additionally, Cho serves as a board member of the American Association of Teachers of Korean (AATK).

Research Overview

Research Interests

  • Language pedagogy
  • language acquisition
  • Korean linguistics
  • socio-pragmatics
  • curriculum design
  • development of learning and teaching methodologies and materials

Courses Offered (subject to change)

  • KOR 101:  Elementary Korean I (Fall)
  • KOR 102:  Elementary Korean II (Spring)
  • KOR 111:  Intensive Korean I (Summer)
  • KOR 112:  Intensive Korean II (Summer)
  • KOR 151:  Intermediate Korean I (Fall)
  • KOR 107:  Korean in Korea (Summer)
  • KOR 152:  Intermediate Korean II (Spring)
  • KOR 157:  Korean in Korea (Summer)
  • KOR 201:  Advanced Intermediate Korean I (Fall)
  • KOR 202:  Advanced Intermediate Korean II (Spring)
  • KOR 207:  Korean in Korea (Summer)

Selected Publications

Selected Conference Presentations

  • "Enhancing Language and Culture Learning through Community Service: Talent Donation". The 29th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Teachers of Korean (AATK), Indiana University Bloomington, IN. 20-22, June. 2024
  • "Enhancing LCTL Learning and Advocating LCTLs through Community Service". The 27th Annual Conference of the National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages (NCOLCTL), Chicago, IL. 19-21, 2024
  • "Enhancing Cultural Awareness in Language Classrooms Using Virtual Materials and Diverse Community Service Activities". The Spring 'Conference of the New York State Association of Foreign Language Teachers (NYSAFLT), Rochester, New York. 23 Mar. 2024 (Co-presented with Hardy, S and Pian, P.)
  • "Standards-Based Cultural Project for Elementary Korean Classes: " 한국, 이게 달라요!". The 28th Annual Meeting the American Association of Teachers of Korean (AATK), University of Pennsylvania, PA, 15-17, IL. 21-23, Apr. 2023
  • "Using a YouTube Vlog as a Language Learning and Teaching Platform for KFL Learners". The 26th Annual Conference of the National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages (NCOLCTL), Chicago, IL. 21-23, Apr. 2023
  • "Using YouTube as a Language Teaching and Learning Platform". The Spring Conference of the New York State Association of Foreign Language Teachers (NYSAFLT), Rochester, New York. 11 Mar. 2023
  • Utility of YouTube to Enhance Language Learning and Teaching". The Annual Convention and World Languages Expo of the American Council of Teachers of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), Boston, MA, 17-20 Nov. 2022
  • Using YouTube to Enhance and Enrich Language Learning and Teaching". The 25th Annual Conference of the National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages (NCOLCTL), 22-24, Apr. 2022 (Virtual Presentation)
  • "Facilitating Deeper Learning in Online Language Courses within the Community of Inquiry Framework".  The 25th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Teachers of Korean (AATK), 24-26 June. 2021 (Virtual Presentation) (Co-presented with Song, J. Y., Kim, L., Kim, S. B., Lee, E. J., Lee, J. Y., Cho-Min, H. S. J., Park, C. Y., & Song, M. J.)
  • "Designing and Implementing a Summer Korean Study Abroad Program: Cases from Seven Universities in the U.S.".  The 24th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Teachers of Korean (AATK), Columbia University, NY, 18-19 June. 2020 (Virtual Presentation) (Co-presented with Song, J. Y., Choi, B. Y., Kim, H. S., Ko, I. S., Lee, J. Y., & Song, M. J.)
  • “Students on the Move: Planning, Implementing, and Assessing a Short-term Study Abroad (SA) Program through the Lens of Intercultural Competence”. The 24th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Teachers of Korean (AATK), University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, 19-24 June. 2019 (Co-presented with Lee, J.Y.)
  • "From A to Z in Planning and Implementing a Short Study Abroad Program". The 22nd Annual Conference of the National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages (NCOLCTL), Atlanta, GA, 22-26 Apr. 2019
  • "Standards-Based Project: Survey Project". The 23rd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Teachers of Korean (AATK), University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. 21-23 June. 2018
  • "Creating an Engaging Language Learning and Teaching Environment in the 'Five Minutes Before Class' ". The 21st Annual Conference of the National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages (NCOLCTL), Herndon, VA. 20-22 Apr. 2018
  • "Film Incorporated Curriculum: Its Significance and Versatility in Language Learning and Teaching". The Spring Conference of the New York State Association of Foreign Language Teachers (NYSAFLT), Rochester, NY. 10 Mar. 2018
  • "The Effect and Students' Perceptions of Corrective Feedback." American Council of Teachers of Foreign Languages' 2017 Annual Convention and World Languages Expo, Nov. 2017, Nashville.
  • "Enhancing Intercultural Communicative Competence through Awareness of Responsive Tokens for Korean as a Foreign Language Learners." Twentieth Annual National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages Conference, 21-23 Apr. 2017, Chicago.
  • "Film Incorporated Curriculum: Adding Authenticity, Fun, and Diversity to Language Learning." Twenty-First Annual Conference and Professional Development Workshop by American Association of Teachers of Korean, 16-18 Jun. 2016, Emory University, Atlanta.
  • "Teaching Trades for Language Learners." Nineteenth Annual National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages Conference, 21-24 Apr. 2016, Atlanta.
  • "Learning and Teaching Environment of Correction Symbols Only in KFL Class." Nineteenth Annual National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages Conference, 21-24 Apr. 2016, Atlanta.
  • "A Key to Enriching Language Instruction: Building Up Collegiality Among Language Teachers." New York 'State Association of Foreign Language Teachers Spring Conference, 5 Mar. 2016, Rochester.
  • "Feel Korean Sentiments Through a Korean Song and Melody." Rosetta Stone, 16 Apr. 2014, Northern Arizona U, Flagstaff.
  • "Identity of Listening and Ways to Listening Proficiency." Peaks Interdisciplinary Conference, 22-24 Feb. 2013, Northern Arizona U, Flagstaff.