Andrée Douchin
- Retired Senior Lecturer in French
PhD, University of Rochester
During her many years in MLC, Andrée Douchin taught a wide range of courses. As a native speaker of French, she was particularly interested in the evolution of the French language, as exemplified in the works of the surrealist writers Julien Gracq; modern poets, such as Desnos, Peret, Reverdy, and Prevert; and the Francophone novelists of North Africa, namely Rachid Boudjedra and Tahar ben Jelloun. Her work has led to a workshop on translation and an exploration of the stylistic changes in modern French, as exemplified in early twentieth-century writers, the daily press, and popular music including rap, which led to a new perspective on and appreciation of the study of grammar and the malleability of the French language.
Selected Publications
- "Paradoxalement parlant: Quelques réflexions sur L’Abbé C. de Georges Bataille." Romanic Review, vol. 78, no. 3, 1987, pp. 368-82.
- "La Survivance du Mythe au Vingtième Siècle: Le Roi Pêcheur de Julien Gracq." Symposium: A Quarterly Journal in Modern Literatures, vol. 40, no. 3, 1986, pp. 173-208. Taylor & Francis Online, doi:10.1080/00397709.1986.10733598.
- "The Doubles in Julien Gracq's Au Château d'Argol." Studies in 20th-Century Literature, vol. 8, no. 2, 1984, pp. 273-91. New Prairie Press, doi:10.4148/2334-4415.1145.
- "Metamorphosis in Julien Gracq's Un Beau Ténébreux." Symposium: A Quarterly Journal in Modern Literatures, vol. 37, no. 1, 1983, pp. 3-16. Taylor & Francis Online, doi:10.1080/00397709.1983.10733516.
Selected Conference Presentations
- "L'exil interieur dans La Pluie de Rachid Boudjedra." Congrès du Conceil International d'Études Francophones, Québec.
- "La Theatralite dans La Fiancee de l'eau de Tahar ben Jelloun." Congrès du Conceil International d'Études Francophones, Casablanca.
- "Le Poeme en prose en France: Venise de Julien Gracq." Northeast Modern Language Association Convention, 1987.
- "Le Refus de l'image de soi: L'Escargot entêté de Boudjedra." New York State Association of Foreign Language Teachers Conference.