Working with Human Subjects
Experiments and data collection using human subjects must conform to the department's research protocols. Faculty and students involved in these research activities must have received Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) certification.
Department Protocols
The University of Rochester Department of Linguistics has protocols for the collection of data from human subjects that involve minimal or no risk. Faculty members listed on the protocols, and both undergraduate and graduate students being supervised by faculty, may do experiments and data collections under these protocols, as long as they have received CITI certification and follow the protocols. For information on research and research protocols held by individual faculty, see the faculty websites.
Before you begin your experiments or data collection, please send the faculty member whose protocol you are working under a copy of your official CITI certification with your number and expiration dates.
If you have questions, contact Professor Joyce McDonough.
CITI Certification
The Office for Human Subject Protection (OHSP) at the University of Rochester requires all study team members to successfully complete human subjects training through an online program called the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI Program) prior to conducting any human subject research. Anyone who wishes to conduct research involving human subjects and be listed on a protocol must have completed the CITI certification and have received an IRB number. See the CITI certification page for more information.