Solveiga Armoskaite

Solveiga Armoskaite

  • Assistant Professor

PhD, University of British Columbia, 2011

Office Location
510 Lattimore Hall
(585) 273-5218
(585) 273-1088
Web Address

Office Hours: By appointment

Curriculum Vitae


My central research question is the types of grammatical categories that expressions take.

In my dissertation I examined the differences between the two distinct languages, Blackfoot and Lithuanian, for evidence of how roots acquire their lexical categories. I’ve researched the question of how grammatical categories like number and gender are variously expressed. An interest in the forms of determiners and expression of definiteness cross linguistically lead to an examination of definiteness in languages without overt articles. A current project concerns the study of iconicity in ideophones and the grammatical categories they take in different languages.


  • Turkish 2012-current
  • Blackfoot & Cree 2006-current
  • Finnish 2008-current
  • Yorùbá 2004-2005
  • Lithuanian 1996-current

Invited Speaker

  • Armoskaite, S. Koskinen, P. 2014. Serializing ideophones across V~N domains in Finnish. Mellon Humanities Corridor Workshop in Theoretical and Experimenta Linguistics, Syracuse University, December 6-7. [invited participant]
  • Armoskaite, S. 2014. The language of landscape, the landscape of language. University of Rochester, UR learning series of lectures, community outreach. December 3, 2014.
  • Armoskaite, S., Buckley, N.,Kohn, M., Leonard, B., Schellenberg, M., Socolow, J. 2014. Patterns in $&#@*!.Department of Linguistics, University of Rochester, April 4.
  • Armoskaite, S. 2014. Categorization breakdown. Notes from fieldwork. Department of Linguistics Colloquium, Cornell University, January 23.
  • Armoskaite, S. Kutlu, A. 2013. Category neutral similative. Evidence from Turkish.Research seminar, Department of Linguistics, University of Rochester.
  • Armoskaite, S. 2012. Gender as N forming device. Workshop on nominalization, May 29-30, University of Western Ontario. [invited participant]
  • Armoskaite, S. 2012. Layers of gender. Department of Linguistics, University of Ottawa, April 18.

Research Overview

Research Interests

  • Syntax
  • Morphosyntax
  • Gender
  • Grammatical categories
  • Language documentation