Lac Brochet Dene Sųłiné

Orthography.  The sounds of Dene Sųłiné written in the spelling system in current use, and in the International Phonetic Alphabet.

Consonant Sounds

Vowel sounds

To view place and manner of descriptions for these sounds, see the Inventory of Dene Sųłiné sounds


Dene Sųłiné Dictionary, University of Alberta

Goddard-Ennow texts in P.E: Goddard (1912)  Analysis of Cold Lake Dialect, Chipewyan, Antrhopological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History X(II):67-170 

Goddard-Ennow texts in Pliny Earle Goddard Chipewyan texts (1916). These texts were collected at Cold Lake in 1911 by P. E. Goddard working with Jean Bapstist Ennou.  © Joyce McDonough 2012