About DSA

Orientation to the DSA 

In addition to the information provided at the HOME page, DSA information and resources are organized under three major headings:

Visitors may access the information and resources by selecting one of the major headings or by hovering over the relevant tab and selecting a specific topic from each dropdown menu.

The DSA and Google Earth

The DSA has two parts: this DSA website and a Google Earth Interface.  The DSA website is intended to serve the Dene speaking communities and interested researchers by providing baseline information about the sound structures and rhythms of their languages.  The Google Earth Interface (see tools below) provides an interactive map of the Dene communities with links for each community to the relevant page at the Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada website and at the DSA.

DSA Visitor Tools

DSA visitor tools are located at the top of the sidebar.

To view the locations and descriptions of Dene communities included in the DSA, visitors may wish to download Google Earth and the Dene Speech Atlas kmz layer file.  Once downloaded, simply drag and drop the DSA file to "My Places" in the Google Earth application.  The Dene Heritage Language is presented within Google Earth for each community, based on available information, and two links are provided: 1) the link for the selected community at the Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada website, and 2) the link to the DSA webpage for that community's language. 

To provide feedback regarding the content, structure, and functionality of the DSA website, visitors are encouraged to complete a brief Visitor Survey.

denespeechatlas@rochester.edu  © Joyce McDonough 2012