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#Published † In revision (review) ‡ In preparation *undergraduate **graduate advisee.
In Progress
21. ‡ Tolulope Olugboji, Sayan Swar**, Ziqi Zhang**, Steve Carr**, Canberk Ekmecki** and Mujdat Cetin. On the Nature of Upper Mantle Stratification, to be submitted to TBD. [preprint-pdf].
20. ‡ Canberk Ekmekci** and Tolulope Olugboji. On the Plug-and-Play Denoising of Teleseismic Body-waves, to be submitted to TBD. [preprint-pdf].
19. ‡ Jean-Joel Legre** and Tolulope Olugboji. Africa’s Lithosphere Imaged with Multi-mode Body-Waves: ADAMA, to be submitted to TBD. [preprint-pdf].
18. ‡ Ziqi Zhang** and Tolulope Olugboji. Lithospheric Imaging of a Large Oceanic Plateau, to be submitted to TBD. [preprint-pdf].
17. † Steve Carr** and Tolulope Olugboji. A Taxonomy of Upper Mantle Stratification in the US, in review at AGU-Advances. [preprint-pdf]
16. † Jean-Joel Legre** and Tolulope Olugboji. The Intraplate Stress Field of West Africa, in review at GRL. [preprint-pdf].
15. # Ziqi Zhang** and Tolulope Olugboji. Crustal Imaging with Noisy Receiver Functions, BSSA, [preprint-pdf].
14. # Tolulope Olugboji, Ziqi Zhang**, Steve Carr**, Canberk Ekmecki** and Mujdat Cetin. On the Detection of Upper Mantle Discontinuities with Radon-Transformed Ps Receiver Functions (CRISP-RF), GJI, [pdf].
13. # Tolulope Olugboji, Siyu Xue*, Yuri Tamama*, Jean-Joel Legre** . Africa’s Crustal Architecture Inferred from Probabilistic and Perturbational Inversion of Ambient Noise: ADAMA, in press Gcubed,, [pdf]
12. # Ziqi Zhang** and Tolulope Olugboji. Lithospheric Imaging in Reverberant Layers: Sediment, Oceans & Glaciers, JGR, [pdf]
11. # Tolulope Olugboji and Siyu Xue*. A Short-Period Surface-Wave Dispersion Dataset for Model Assessment of Africa’s Crust: ADAMA. SRL, doi: 10.1785/0220210355. [pdf]
10. # Tolulope Olugboji, Manoochehr Shirzaei, Yingping Lu**, Adekunle Adepelumi, and Folarin Kolawole. On the Origin of Orphan Tremors & Intraplate Seismicity in Western Africa. Front. Earth Sci., 9, 749. [pdf]
9. # Ziqi Zhang** and Tolulope Olugboji, The signature and elimination of sediment reverberations on submarine receiver functions. JGR-Solid Earth, 126, e2020JB021567.
8.† Tolulope Olugboji, Vedran Lekic, Bill McDonough (2017), A Statistical Assessment of Models of the US Continental Crust using Bayesian Inversion of Ambient Noise Surface Wave Dispersion Data, special issue Tectonics, doi:10.1002/2017TC004468 [pdf].
7.# Tolulope Olugboji, Jeffrey Park, and Shun-ichiro Karato (2016), Reply to comment by Kawakatsu and Abe on “The Nature of the Seismic Lithosphere Asthenosphere Boundary beneath Normal Oceanic Mantle from High Resolution Receiver Functions”, G3, doi: 10.1002/2016GC006453. [pdf]
6.# Tolulope Olugboji and Jeffrey Park (2016), Crustal Anisotropy beneath Pacific Ocean Islands from Harmonic Decomposition of Receiver Functions,G3, doi:10.1002/2015GC006166. [pdf]
5.# Tolulope Olugboji, Jeffrey Park, Shun-ichiro Karato and Masanao Shinohara (2016), The Nature of the Seismic Lithosphere Asthenosphere Boundary beneath Normal Oceanic Mantle from High Resolution Receiver Functions, G3 , doi
4.# Shun-ichiro Karato, Tolulope Olugboji, and Jeffrey Park (2015). Mechanisms and geologic significance of the mid-lithosphere discontinuity in the continents, Nature Geosciences. [pdf]
3.# Tolulope Olugboji (2014), Revealing the Fine Structures of the Lithosphere Asthenosphere Boundary, PhD. Dissertation, Yale University, 286 Pages. [pdf]
2.# Tolulope Olugboji, Shun-ichiro Karato, and Jeffrey Park (2013), Structures of the oceanic lithosphere asthenosphere boundary: mineral physics modeling and seismological signatures, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 14, 880-901, doi:10.1002/ggge.20086. [pdf]
1.# AI Oluwaranti, B. S. Afolabi, O. O. Abiona, T.M. Olugboji, C. E. Onime, and L. Kehinde. (2013) Design and Implementation of a University-Based Information Service Center with SMS Notification (Obafemi Awolowo University as a Case Study), 70-85. In Electro/Information Technology (EIT), 2013 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 1-6). IEEE. doi:10.1109/EIT.2013.6632677