Doyeon Kim
Planetary Seismologist

D.K is a faculty at the Imperial College London. His interests center on exploring planetary interiors: from the regolith and crust of the Moon and asteroids to Mars. He has been recognized with the 2024 Charles F. Richter Early Career Award and we are working with him on novel signal processing ideas to explore Mars.

Tushar Mittal
Geophysicist (Free Style)

Tushar, faculty at Penn State , researches volcanology, planetary geophysics, volcano-tectonic-climate interactions, geofluids, geomechanics, critical minerals, hydrogen production, and geothermal energy. We collaborate with him on hydroacoustic signal processing to study undersea eruptions.

Mujdat Cetin
Engineer (ECE+CS)
Mujdat Cetin is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Robin and Tim Wentworth Director of the Goergen Institute for Data Science at the University of Rochester. He is also serving as the Director of the New York State Center of Excellence in Data Science. We share joint interests in computational imaging, remote sensing, sparse signal recovery, and machine learning
Jonathan Wolf
Professor UC-Davis

Jonathan received his PhD at Yale and  is currently a Miller Postdoctoral Fellow at UC-Berkley. He studies deep Earth structures such as large-low velocity provinces, ultralow velocity zones, and the D'' discontinuity, and more rarely, planetary seismology

Lara Wagner
Field Seismology

Dr. Wagner's research has included fieldwork internationally in Chile, Argentina, Peru, and now Colombia, and in the U.S. in Oregon, Nevada, Idaho, Georgia, North Carolina, and Delaware. Collaboration is ongoing to deploy a network of seismometers in Western Africa.

Manoochehr Shirzaei
Expert Remote Sensing

Dr. Shirzei is an expert in satellite geodesy, inverse theory, signal processing, modeling techniques, and physics of crustal deformation. We are investigating how InSAR data can improve understanding of the underlying mechanism associated with seismic and aseismic faulting processes in West Africa - i.e, the evolution of crustal stresses and seismic hazard due to fluid extraction and disposal.

Folarin Kolawole
Structural Geologist

Dr. Kolawole is a structural geologist. Research intersection with our group involves the integration of structural geology, near-surface geophysics, and geomechanics to understand 1) how the earth’s lithosphere breaks up, and the dynamics of natural earthquakes in areas far away from active tectonic boundaries i.e. intraplate earthquakes.

Vedran Lekic
During my Postdoc work at the University of Maryland (UMD), I worked in Professor Vedran Lekic’s Seismology lab. We are developing novel inversion techniques to constrain a multi-parameter elastic model of the United States continental crust. Professor Lekic works on using both observational, theoretical, and computational infrastructure to image Earth’s interior structure. Follow links below for more
Roberta Rudnick
Collaborator/Postdoc Mentor
Research on crustal structure will utilize the new seismological constraints obtained from Earthscope's USArray to improve our understanding of the structure, composition and evolution of Earth’s continental crust. Working with Professor Roberta Rudnick I am developing insights on how to combine seismological data with the petrological, geochemical and heat-flow database.
Bill McDonough
Improved constraints on crustal composition includes the heat producing elements in the crust. By applying crustal corrections, better estimates of the mantle contribution to heat loss and convective vigor can be estimated. Collaborating with Bill and his graduate student (Scott Wipperfurth), we hope to use the new crustal models to estimate Earth’s thermal budget by incorporating geoneutrino measurements.
Ziqi (Evan) Zhang
Postdoc at UMD

Ziqi holds BS and MS degrees in Geophysics from University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) and China Earthquake Administration (CEA) respectively. During his Ph.D. at URSeismo, Ziqi's work focuses on developing new techniques to improve body wave imaging in some of the harshest environments on Earth, including oceans, sediments, and glaciers.


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