Headshot of Ignacio Franco.

Ignacio Franco


Professor of Chemistry

Professor of Physics

PhD, University of Toronto, 2007

Office Location
454 Hutchison Hall
(585) 275-8209
Web Address

Research Overview

Ignacio Franco is a theoretical chemist tackling emerging problems at the interface between chemistry and physics, optics and nanoscience.

Research in the Franco group focuses on theory and computation as it applies to dynamical processes occurring in molecules, nanoscale and extended systems. Work in the Franco group encompasses the development of new theories and simulation methods, the efficient implementation of these methods on high-performance computers, and the application of the resulting tools to identify new phenomenology and understand problems of fundamental and technological interest in the physical sciences. The group is particularly interested in exploring quantum frontiers in molecular science, and in developing new methods to probe and control the behavior of matter by means of external stimuli, a topic that they like to refer to as “Molecules Under Stress”. The Franco group strives to perform theory and simulation that stimulates experimental progress.


Research Interests

  • Physical and Theoretical Chemistry

Selected Publications