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William Girtin wins SCSGR Fellowship

Congrats to graduate student William Girtin of the Krauss Group for winning an Office of Science Graduate Student Research (SCSGR) Fellowship! This fellowship is hosted by the Department of Energy and allows students to pursue part of their thesis research at a DOE lab/facility in collaboration with a DOE scientist.
William Girtin is pursuing research at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in Colorado for nine months.
“I’ll working on the synthesis and optical characterization of chiral nanoparticles and nanoparticle films, as well as working with the Krauss group to characterize the single photon properties of the nanoparticles and their unique behavior in optical cavities,” Girtin explained, “I will be spending 9 months here at NREL to gain a better understanding of their synthetic and film deposition expertise and hopefully initiate new collaborations between the Krauss lab at Rochester and Dr. Matt Beards lab here at NREL.”
Congrats again to William Girtin!