Department News

Ellen Irving Selected as a 2022 Goldwater Scholar

March 31, 2022

irving_ellen.jpgCongratulations to Ellen Irving on being awarded a 2022 Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship, one of the most prestigious national awards for undergraduates in the STEM fields. This is in recognition of her research accomplishments in the Fasan group and academic excellence.

Ellen is a chemistry major in her junior year, and has been working in the Fasan lab on the development of new strategies to generate hyperstable enzymes via computationally design. Her work will soon be published in the journal Biochemistry. She is one of 417 Goldwater Scholars selected from a pool of over 5,000 students and 1,242 students who were nominated by their respective institutions.

Ellen is a brilliant and remarkably talented student who boasts an extraordinary scholarly performance combined with a strong passion for research and excellent technical skills. In my laboratory, she was able to push forward important projects focused on enzyme stabilization via a combination of computational design and protein stapling, by mastering a diverse range of protein chemistry, molecular biology, and biochemical techniques. She possesses all the qualities that characterize the most successful scientists and she is on a clear trajectory to become one of them.
         - Professor Rudi Fasan

Authorized by Congress in 1986, the Goldwater Foundation’s central objective is to identify and support a significant pool of highly qualified undergraduates who are subsequently obtaining advanced degrees and going on to become this country’s leading scientists, engineers, and mathematicians. Goldwater Scholars have impressive academic and research credentials that have garnered the attention of prestigious post-graduate fellowship programs. Many of the Scholars have published their research in leading professional journals and have presented their work at professional society conferences.

Each Goldwater Scholar annually receives an amount equal to the cost of tuition, mandatory fees, books, and room and board minus the amount of support provided for by other sources, up to a maximum of $7.500 per full academic year. Scholars who receive the award as sophomores can expect to receive support for a maximum of two years (4 semesters) or until graduation, if sooner. Scholars who receive the award as juniors can expect to receive support for a maximum of one year (2 semesters) or until graduation, if sooner.

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