Department News
Nikki Wolford Receives GWIS Travel and Conference Award
Nikki Wolford received a travel and conference award from Graduate Women In Science (GWIS) to attend the 52nd annual Inorganic Discussion Weekend (IDW), which was held at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology in Oshawa, Ontario. Nikki is a 4th year doctoral candidate in the Neidig lab. Her oral presentation, titled "Homoleptic Uranium Complexes of Uranium (IV)", focused on her research recently published in Angewandte Chemie International Edition as well as some more recent work. (View Nikki's Travel report followup.)
Graduate Women In Science (GWIS) provides mentoring for the professional and personal development of all graduate women at the University of Rochester Medical Center and College of Arts and Sciences. Meetings tap into expertise and experience available at the Medical Center and College, and they also include presentations from outside guest speakers. Speakers include successful scientists in academics (universities, medical schools, and smaller teaching colleges), industry (large and start-up), forensics, grant management/program development (government agencies and private associations), science writing, journal editing, patent law, and clinical diagnostics.
Congratulations Nikki!