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Congratulations to Prof. Weix, our new AAAS Fellow!

November 28, 2016


AAAS - The American Association for the Advancement of Science​ Council elected 391 members as Fellows of the association, in recognition of their contributions to innovation, education, and scientific leadership. Prof. Weix will receive his award on February 18 at a Fellows Forum at the AAAS Annual Meeting in Boston.

"Recognition from the AAAS is a testament to the outstanding research environment at the University of Rochester, according to Weix. “I’ve had a series of really outstanding students and postdocs to work with during the past eight years. Without them, none of what we have accomplished would have been possible.”

“We’re thrilled,” says Todd Krauss, chairman of the Department of Chemistry. “The department is very excited and proud of Dan’s accomplishments. We have a history of nurturing our young faculty, so to see him blossom like this is great. He’s an outstanding teacher and scholar and scientist all around. “

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