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Terrell Samoriski Wins Chemistry Department Sandra Beach Award

June 24, 2015

Terrell Samoriski, Journal of Organic Chemistry Editorial Assistant to Professor Bob Boeckman, is this year's recipient of the Sandra M. Beach Memorial Award for outstanding service to the Chemistry Department.

This award is named after Sandra Beach, who served as the Department Secretary from 1991 until her tragic death in an automobile accident in 1993. She was an extremely important and well-liked staff member whose cheerful and helpful attitude made her an invaluable asset. Each year, co-workers, faculty and students nominate a Chemistry staff member whom they feel has contributed significantly to the welfare and camaraderie of the Department.

Terrell is recognized for her fantastic effort and all the hard work she does every day. She is truly an asset to our department. Thank you Terrell for your hard work and dedication!