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Dave McCamant Wins Inaugural Lectureship

October 11, 2013

The Journal of Physical Chemistry and the ACS Physical Chemistry Division created a new Lectureship Award which began in 2013. These awards, which will be held annually, honor the contributions of THREE investigators who have made major impacts on the field of physical chemistry in the research areas associated with each journal section. Dave McCamant was chosen as the winner of the Journal of Physical Chemistry B Lectureship: Biophysical Chemistry, Biomaterials, Liquids, and Soft Matter. The inaugural award Lectureships were held in September at the Fall 2013 ACS National Meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Abstract for Dave's presentation: Work in the McCamant lab is focused on determining how molecular structure determines photochemical function in excited electronic states. In recent collaborative work we have investigated a series of light-harvesting dyes, such as the fluorescent dye Bodipy, and associated photosensitizers, such as Pt(diimine)(dithiolates) for the purpose of solar powered hydrogen fuel production. This talk will present the ultrafast energy transfer dynamics of these molecular dyad systems and the important role that charge-separated electronic states may play in modulating the rates of singlet and triplet energy transfer between the Bodipy and Pt moieties.

Congratulations Dave!