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Ben Hafensteiner named Professor of the Year in the Natural Sciences

April 5, 2013

Congratulations to Ben Hafensteiner on being named this year’s Professor of the Year in the Natural Sciences. This award is bestowed on behalf of the University of Rochester Students’ Association who determined, after a careful screening of the pool of nominations, that Ben best fulfilled the criteria for this high honor.

The Students’ Association Professor of the Year Award was created in 1981 to increase awareness of the importance of undergraduate instruction. The program recognizes faculty members for their achievement purely as an undergraduate professor. The award is given annually to recognize a professor in each academic division of the College (Engineering, Humanities, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences) who makes a positive and lasting impact on undergraduate student life at the University through dedication to developing relationships with students, creation of an engaging and challenging classroom atmosphere, as well as inspiring the further pursuit of knowledge.

Students raved about Ben's ability to make any class feel small even though they were generally large lectures. They also explained how supported they feel by Ben as a mentor outside of the classroom. It's clear Ben's students have a profound respect and appreciation for his knowledge and enthusiasm. To honor Ben, he has been invited to attend the Undergraduate Research Expo on Friday, April 19, where he will be presented with this award.

Once again, congratulations Ben! You truly deserve this honor for all of your hard work and dedication to students!