Garrigan Lab


Our lab is dedicated to the study of population genomics and to computer modeling of evolution. One applied focus of our lab is human population genomics and testing models of human evolution. We use genomic sequence data to answer questions about human origins, population structure, and the status of humans as a biological species. Other areas of research are slightly more theoretical, seeking to improve the computational and statistical methods for testing evolutionary models with genome-scale data. This research includes developing novel techniques for performing parallel programming, Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC), bioinformatics, and likelihood-based inference.

Please follow the links above to meet the members of our lab group and explore their diverse research interests. In addition to computational and theoretical work, many lab members also collect molecular data from a variety of organisms, including humans and even Drosophila! We hope you find our multi-faceted research program interesting...enjoy!

Our lab is located in Hutchison Hall, room 313...stop by! Or, you can phone us at +1-585-276-5073.

If you would like to apply to do your graduate work in the Garrigan lab, click here for more information, or email Cindy Landry.